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Jiang Fengmian watched Wei Muchen with a mixture of awe and trepidation. He could see echoes not just of his friend Wei Changze but also Cangse Sanren in the young man's words and demeanor.

He had never seen Madam Yu look so flustered, nor had he seen Lan Qiren so speechless. It was a bizarre and slightly terrifying sight.
Yet in a strange way, Jiang Fengmian felt a sense of pride. Wei Muchen was standing up for his younger brother, refusing to let their reputation be tarnished. It echoed the fierce loyalty that Wei Changze had always shown, and it reminded Jiang Fengmian of Cangse Sanren's fierce independence.
Yu ziyuan feeling humiliated and her zidian broken. She started to scream at him "How dare you!" Yu Ziyuan screamed, her face red with anger.

"You, a lowly rogue cultivator, speaking to me like this! How dare you break my Zidian and defy me!"

She turned to Jiang Fengmian, her eyes blazing. "This rogue cultivator needs to be disciplined! He cannot be allowed to speak to the Madam of a great sect this way!"Jiang Cheng's face mirrored his mother's anger, his fists clenching as he watched Wei Muchen with a mixture of fury and jealousy. Lan Qiren also recovered some of his composure, his eyes narrowing at the young rogue cultivator. Even Lan Wangji was not so stoic, his eyes flaring with a hint of irritation but that was sent towards madam yu.

But Wei Muchen remained unfazed by the Madam's anger, standing his ground defiantly. His face was an unreadable mask, betraying no signs of fear or remorse.However, behind his stoic exterior, Wei Muchen was a mess of conflicting emotions. Memories of his past life as Wei ying. He understood the significance of what he had just done. He had openly defied Madam Yu, the undisputed Madam of the Jiang Clan.
"Discipline?" Wei Muchen repeated, his voice laced with sarcasm. "And who will punish me? You, Madam jiang, or perhaps Master Lan here?"
He calls her madam Jiang just to spite her. Yu Ziyuan's face turned even redder at the deliberate snub, her lips twisting into a furious scowl. Jiang Cheng stepped forward, his hand twitching towards his sword. But Wei Muchen merely raised an eyebrow in challenge, completely unafraid of the anger directed towards him.

The room's tension was so thick, it felt like one small spark could ignite a full-blown conflict.Jiang Fengmian tried to intervene, sensing the imminent explosion. "Please calm down, we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves."

But even his usual calmness didn't seem to have an effect on the raging Madam Yu or the defiant Wei Muchen. The room was a powder keg, ready to explode at any moment.Lan Qiren also attempted to regain control. "This is unnecessary! We should resolve this in a civil manner."

But his words were lost in the rising tide of anger and resentment. Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen stood silently, their faces betraying their unease. Nie Huaisang simply hid behind his fan, secretly enjoying the drama unfolding before him.At this Wei muchen gets angry "what is unnecessary, master lan. You let her harm a disciple under your care and she insults the dead. Isn't it all against rules. I wonder why you aren't saying anything about it. Is it because it also applies to you? Or perhaps that we are the sons of cangse sanren. Aren't there a rule about how everyone is equal in gusu? "Lan Qiren's face darkened, the accusation hitting a raw nerve. He knew that he had failed to ensure Wei Wuxian's proper treatment, and it stung to have Wei Muchen point it out so bluntly.

But he was never one to back down, even when faced with a valid argument. "The rules apply to everyone," Lan Qiren agreed, his voice tight. "But they do not give someone the right to speak to their elders in such a disrespectful manner."Wei Muchen didn't back down. He stepped closer to Lan Qiren, his eyes cold and defiant.

"Respect is earned," he said, his voice firm. "Just because you're the elder doesn't mean I have to blindly respect you. And as for the rules, perhaps you should practice them more thoroughly yourself, Master Lan."Lan biyu the elder lan who gave the invitation of gusu lectures to Wei Muchen comes in and says "and yiling laozu is correct, qiren. It looks like we failed with you and your brother"Lan Bi Yu's arrival seemed to deflate some of the tension in the room. His calm, measured voice cut through the shouting and bickering like a cool breeze.

"Perhaps we have," he said, his eyes sweeping over the gathered people.

Lan Qiren's face flushed with shame as he was rebuked by his elder. The other Gusu Lan disciples watched in hushed silence, their respect for Lan Bi Yu clearly immense.Lan Bi Yu turned his attention to Yu Ziyuan, his face stern. "Madam Yu, your behavior here has been unacceptable. I suggest you leave, or else I will be forced to impose the appropriate punishment."

Yu Ziyuan's face darkened at the threat, but she seemed to realize the futility of fighting with both Lan Qiren and now Lan Bi Yu. She shot one last burning glance at Wei Muchen, then turned and swept out of the room with Jiang Cheng following behind her.Jiang Fengmian watched them go, a mixture of relief and regret etched on his face. He hoped that this would be the end of the conflict, and that he could take Wei boys with him but looks like he won't be able to. Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen looked visibly relieved, the tension in their shoulders easing slightly. Nie Huaisang, unable to contain his fascination any longer, looked at Wei Muchen with a hint of admiration.The room fell silent as everyone contemplated the recent drama. Lan Bi You turned his gaze back to Wei Muchen, a slight smile on his lips.

"Yiling Laozu," he said, addressing him in a more respectful tone. "We owe you an apology. We have clearly failed you and your brother."
Wei muchen suddenly chuckles and smiles. His smile rivaled the sun. "Aiya, elder lan why are you apologizing you did no wrong and please no titles. That's silly and am younger than you so only muchen"Lan Bi Yu couldn't help but chuckle at Wei Muchen's lighthearted outburst. Despite the tension of the previous scene, the young man's smile seemed to dispel the heavy atmosphere.

"Very well, just 'Muchen' then," he agreed. "But please, the apology is still warranted. We should have intervened much earlier and prevented the situation from escalating."Jiang Fengmian stepped forward, his expression a mixture of relief and gratitude. "You're right, Master Lan," he said, his eyes moving from Lan Bi Yu to Wei Muchen. "On behalf of Yunmeng Jiang, I would like to express our sincere apologies to you and A-Ying. We failed to notice the severity of the situation and acted sooner."
Wei muchen remembers his past about how this man never truly cared and used him as just a shield for his children and puts on the most fake smile and says "apology accepted sect leader Jiang and I don't think we have been acquainted before for you to call my younger brother with his birth name"Jiang Fengmian was taken aback by Wei Muchen's abrupt change in tone, but he quickly realized the faux pas he had committed.

"Ah, you're right," he said, a hint of embarrassment appearing on his face. "My apologies, I got carried away with my familiarity. It won't happen again."Lan Bi Yu, seeing the awkwardness in Jiang Fengmian's expression, intervened delicately.

"Perhaps it's best if you step out for now, Sect Leader Jiang," he suggested quietly.Jiang Fengmian nodded, sensing the need to leave. He shot one last slightly sheepish look at Wei Muchen before making a hasty retreat from the room, leaving the others to deal with the aftermath.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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