part 1 - your first day ^_^

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I, (y/n), have recently transferred into the very totally definitely highly prestigious school alt rock academy, where all the totally not lame rockers go to learn! ... I think?

I've never heard anything about the curriculum or the teachers, but it seems like a totally great school. Imagine all the credentials I'm going to get! it's gonna be a great school, im sure of it!

after all, today is officially my first day! it's the middle of the school year, which is a little inconvenient, but I'm sure it'll all go totally smoothly!

I get up super duper early (7am) and carefully plan my outfit for today. I've gotta have a great first  impression!

Once i get fully ready and dressed in my favourite band tee, some black ripped jeans and my favourite silly hat (i ran out of styling powder), I begin to prepare my bag. I've chosen to bring my pen, my zither and iPod classic 5th gen with me!

school starts at 9, so I have ample time to daydream about how cool everything is gonna be when I get there.


I walk to school myself, watching how the sky got slightly more desaturated and the clouds turned grey within a 1 mile radius of the building. I'm so excited!

entering through the main reception, I see two beautiful (in a sort of nerdy, incel way) men. they have the most awkward stances and don't seem to like each other very much. neither of them are looking at me or each other.

'hi,' says the one with the worst haircut I've ever seen, with even worse bleaching done to it, 'im thom. this is rivers.'

he points to the boy beside him, who has glasses and a slightly better haircut. he, rivers, has the most awkward, most anxious looking demeanour I've seen one person have. I wonder how he has managed to survive.

I turn to nod at thom, who seems either bored or ticked off. but i think that might just be his normal face.

'we're supposed to show you around today,'

on second thought, maybe he is pissed off.

the morning bell rings, and the boys don't move yet. they must be waiting for the commotion of everyone else moving to be over with, right?


thom waits for the bell to stop ringing before leaving the reception and walking up the stairs and totally ditching us.

rivers stands awkwardly still for at least another two minutes before speaking up,

'ah, uh, sorry about him...'

he starts. I hope that he doesn't find my evil laser stare right into his soul intimidating,

'I' you around myself...I guess...'

I pull out my timetable and show this honestly kind of pathetic man my first period. it's maths, with Mr. Lennon. I didn't think I'd still have to be taught maths, but i guess to be a school and get government funding, they do have to meet some requirements... I guess.

He (very quietly and very shyly) explains how the room numbers work to me and what stairs lead to where and everything that's actually quite important in order to navigate the school. all that technical nerd shit no one actually cares about.

boring! I need something more entertaining before we reach maths on the third floor.

but what do I

I imagine there must be some very interesting drama at this school. I mean, put a bunch of emotional, sensitive teenagers who can write songs and play guitar in a huge building with a bunch of teenagers who can also do that cannot end in peace. Having your break up immortalised in a music assignment must be tough.

oh, maybe there's something going on with that thom kid? something with rivers, maybe? maybe someone stole the others song? or, like, the title or something? how lenient is this school with pupil relationships actually...? they gotta be alright with it, what the hell else are the emo ones meant to write about?

however, rivers interrupts my thoughts, and I now notice he's standing just outside the maths class as the teacher and students all look him up. he honestly looks like he's about to run away and compose a piano piece about this experience, which, if he did, he'd have to thank me for it.

'oh, thanks.'

I turn into the classroom, leaving him in the dust. he opened his mouth to speak, but I was already in. hope it wasn't important!

the teacher, Mr. Lennon, stares at me with those stupid round frame glasses that make him look like a walrus. eugh. i don't like this guy already.

'well, thanks for joining now, y/n,'

he remarks, not looking totally pleased. I roll my eyes as he changes the register to mark me a present, which I think is totally unfair. not my fault my took ages to actually guide me.

he sighs, and faces me again by twirling around in his swivley chair. he points to some desk right at the back of the class, which happens to be where the only empty seat is.

'I won't make you waste any more class time, just sit down next to Amy in the back, okay?'

I nod and make my way to the back of the class. I sit down in the seat, right next to a girl with ebony black hair (who kind reminds me of someone...) who must be Amy.

Across from me is a boy with a grey beanie and hair right in front of his face, and directly in front of me is a boy with no hat on with hair also in front of his face.

'don't mind the teacher,' amy starts, resting her head on the desk, 'he's just mad Mr. McCartney in art broke up with him.'

I don't get a moment to process that before the boy without the hat and ... kind of scary eyes but scary good cheekbones interrupts and asks a question.

'I thought Mr. McCartney was in songwriting?'

'no, that's Mr. Shears, stupid'

replied the kid with the hat and triangle shaped chunk of hair covering his eyes. he already has glasses on. How hard is it for this guy to see?

'easy mistske, though. they look and sound the same...'

'Mr. Shears looks totally different, what are you on about?'

the two boys entered a full-fledged debate about how similar these two teachers apparently look. I'd jump in immediately and create a third, not yet known opinion, but I've never seen them before, so I refrain myself.

'don't mind them either,' Amy laughs slightly, her head now resting on her arms. which are on the desk, 'they don't talk a lot, but when they do, it's something stupid.'

'the boy with the hat is Mikey, and the other is Jonny. I'm Amy, but you could probably guess that.'

she turns her head to face me, a smile on her lips

'and what's your name?'

i finally get a chance to speak since entering the class. thank god.

'oh, i'm y/n'

however, my chance is short-lived, and Mr. Lennon decides it's finally time to teach maths.

God...this'll be a long first period.


waow!!! chapter one!!!

sorry it couldn't be longer :(( but it's v late so I wanted it out asap!!!!

updates mite b v slow after this, so fair warning buttt i hope u enjoy  ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: 15 hours ago ⏰

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