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Cale stared ahead, the overwhelming urge to sob clawing at his chest. He wanted to cry, to let it all out in a flood of tears, but the weight of it all kept him silent. He was so tired-tired of everything. Damn it all...

Images of Rok Soo flashed in his mind-Rok Soo standing in front of that old, worn-down apartment. He used to get so annoyed by his hyung's constant nagging and whines, always complaining about something. When he moved into the new apartment, he thought things might change. But they never did. He could still see the two of them on that couch, squishing him in warm, suffocating cuddles that he pretended to hate but secretly cherished.

As he walked, his fingers brushed the cool glass of the window, triggering more memories. He could see his team leader standing there, smiling softly with a coffee mug in hand, always so composed. And then, there was that idiot-Jung Soo. That utterly foolish man who would tackle him with those annoyingly affectionate hugs. Rok Soo used to hate it, hate how warm it felt, how those sweet moments made him feel like he had something to lose.

Lost in these memories, Cale didn't even notice the shift in his surroundings until the cold rain began to fall, droplets splashing against his face and snapping him back to the present. He blinked, realizing he was in the garden, completely drenched, the icy rain mixing with the tears he hadn't realized he'd shed.

The sky above was a dark, brooding gray, matching the turmoil in his heart. "Ah? It's raining..." he murmured to himself, as if trying to grasp something tangible in the midst of his inner storm.

Cale turned, and through the sheets of rain, he saw them-Choi Han and the kids, running toward him with umbrellas, their expressions filled with worry. They moved with a frantic urgency, like they were trying to protect him from the rain, but Cale knew it wasn't just the weather they were worried about.

A relief spread through Cale that wouldn't see Cale's tears in rain. They would think it's raindrops.

He stood there, rooted to the spot, as they reached him. The sight of them-their concern, their love-only made the ache in his chest grow stronger. The tears threatened to spill over again, but he swallowed them down, forcing himself to smile as he took the umbrella from Choi Han's trembling hands. But inside, the sadness clawed at him, a raw and desperate need to break down, to cry out for all that he had lost, and all that he would never have again.

Choi Han had been standing at a distance, silently watching as his Liege stood beneath the warm sunlight, eyes closed, for what felt like an eternity. Even when the clouds darkened and the rain began to fall, Cale remained unmoving, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. Choi Han had no idea how much time had passed, only that Cale had stood there for far longer than he ever had before, unflinching as the rain soaked him to the bone.

There was something about the way Cale stood-so still, so heartbreakingly still-that filled Choi Han with a deep, gnawing unease. It was as if Cale was desperately searching for something, something that Choi Han couldn't see, couldn't understand. And yet, the pain etched into Cale's expression was unmistakable, a silent cry for help that left Choi Han feeling helpless and lost.

When Cale finally opened his eyes, the kids were already rushing toward him, their small forms huddled under the cover of umbrellas and raincoats. Raon, his little voice filled with urgency, sprinted ahead, a raincoat flapping around him. "Human shouldn't stand in the rain! What if he gets sick?"

Hong followed closely behind, an umbrella clutched tightly in his hand. "The youngest is right, Cale-nya! You shouldn't be out here!"

Ohn trailed after them, her usually calm voice tinged with worry. "Cale can be so careless... and it's concerning."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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