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Yoongi let out a shaky breath after crying for almost one hour in jimin's arms, the heaviness in his heart was eased after hearing jimin's reassurance he appreciated the security and comfort....

Please give me a second chance....
Yoongi requested wiping his tears

Jimin's heart skipped a beat when he heard yoongi's words, he could sense the desperation and hopefulness in yoongi's voice....
The weight of their past and the hurt that still lingered between them made jimin hesitate but he thought to consider yoongi's request!!

Yoongi-ah, I want to believe you but trust isn't something that comes easily to me anymore!!
You hurt me deeply, how can I be sure that you won't do it again if I give you a second chance??
Jimin asked sadly

I'll prove my love for you....
I'll not disappoint you!!
Please trust me....
Yoongi spoke desperately

Prove it to me, prove that your love is more than just words!!
Show me through actions and consistency that you're truly willing to make things right between us!!
It won't be easy, and it will take time for me to rebuilt my trust in you....
Jimin exclaimed

Yoongi's expression was resolute as he met jimin's gaze, he could see the mixture of hope and skepticism.......
It fueled his resolve with determination and affection!!

I promise you jimin-ah, I'm going to prove my love for you!!
I know I've hurt you deeply, I regret what I did on our wedding day more than anything....
I'll do whatever it takes to show you that my love is real and that I'm ready to give you the love and loyalty you deserve!!
Yoongi spoke with determination

How much you both are gonna test each other??
A person spoke

Yoonmin froze at the sound of the unexpected voice, they exchanged a bewildered look before turning their attention to the source of the voice standing in the doorway was a figure shrouded in shadows their identity obscured....

Jimin spoke

Yeah it's me bestie!!
Jungkook said

What are you doing here??
Jimin asked confused

Yoongi mirrored the same confused expression, both of them caught off guard by the sudden arrival....

Sorry for the surprise guys!!
I didn't mean to intrude, but I couldn't help and overheard your conversation I just wanted to check on you guys!!
Jungkook spoke chuckling

But you weren't here, were you??
Jimin asked

Ah, I guess you didn't expect me to be here huh??
Jungkook responded casually

Jun-jungkook it's ju-just I w-was....
Yoongi stuttered

It's alright yoongi, I heard everything....
Jungkook spoke smiling

Jungkook I'll explain everything....
Jimin said

I'll speak now, and you guys be silent!!
First of all, I know you're married to me and what yoongi did was unforgivable but I want you to give him a second chance jimin....
The situation is very complex and messy!!
But I also believe in forgiveness, I've seen firsthand how much yoongi regrets his actions on the wedding day he seems genuine now....
He's sincere in his desire to prove his love for you!!
Jungkook explained firmly

Jimin felt a mixture of gratitude and uncertainity in jungkook's words, he looked at him softly....
Yoongi just looked at jikook silently not speaking anything....

Jungkook, how can you be so okay with this??
Shouldn't you be angry??
Jimin spoke

I'm not jimin, the love and bond plus the friendship we share is enough for me!!
I trust your implicity, as much as I want you to be happy!!
Yoongi's mistake can't be erased, but he does deserves a second chance....
Jungkook said softly

You're truly my bestfriend....
You're the most incredible person jungkook....
Jimin said with tears

Yoongi spoke and ran hugging kook

Jungkook was caught off guard by yoongi's sudden emotional display, but he instinctively hugged yoongi back his expression softening as the tears streamed down yoongi's face.......

Oh god, you're so clingy yoongi!!
But this time you better not break jimin's heart!!
Or else you'll be punished....
I understood you buddy....
Jungkook said playfully patting yoongi's back offering comfort

Jimin watched the scene unfolding before him, his heart bloomed in happiness....
Even in the midst of this complicated love triangle, it only made him admire jungkook more!!

I don't know how to thank you....
You're being so kind and understanding which I don't deserve....
I'm so sorry for breaking jimin's heart!!
You're his bestfriend I know how you must've felt....
I made a big mistake, I wish I could take it all back....
Yoongi's voice was choked with emotion

We all make mistakes!!
What's important is learning from them and taking responsibility, I saw the sincerity and remorse in your eyes!!
That means a lot for me and jimin....
Jungkook spoke wiping yoongi's tears

Yoonmin shared a glance as jungkook pulled them closer, their hands now interlocked together!!
The three of them stood close with anticipation....
Jimin felt nervous as well as yoongi....
Their hearts pounded with emotions!!

You both deserve each other!!
Jungkook spoke snickered widely

Jimin stumbled as yoongi fell against his chest bcoz jungkook pushed him....
Yoongi's body pressed against his, which  felt both familiar and foreign but jimin instinctively wrapped arms around yoongi's waist holding him close their eyes locked....

Ahh you guys are so disgustingly cute!!
Jungkook said rolling his eyes

Yoonmin blushed, hearing jungkook's comment....
They looked at each other affectionately and giggled....

After few weeks, the joyous atmosphere was present again....
Surrounded by loved ones, yoonmin was getting married again....
Jimin and yoongi exchanged their vows, promising each other a lifetime of love and devotion....
Jungkook stood nearby with a proud smile on his face as he watched his two best friends finally find happiness together....

Will you marry me????
Jimin spoke and knelt down with a smile

Yes jimin....
I'll marry you!!!!
Yoongi spoke teary eyed and nodded happily

Jimin beamed at yoongi's affirmative response, he stood up and took yoongi's hand in his sliding the ring and kissed yoongi's soft hands....
They interwined their fingers, everyone clapped and cheered as they witnessed the heartfelt moment....

As jimin drew yoongi closer wrapping arms around his waist, they shared a soft and tender kiss it was a moment filled with love and affection made it meaningful by the journey they had been through together....
Both of them leaned their foreheads against each other, their breath mingling as they shared a silent connection it was just the two of them in their own world....

I love you 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻..........
Jimin said affectionately

I love you 𝓜𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻..........
Yoongi said smiling
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