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Yoonmin felt an undeniable connection growing between them, they were blissfully unaware of the challenges and obstacles they would face in their bidding relationship....
It had been few weeks since their first date and things were going surprisingly well for jimin and yoongi they spent nearly everyday together exploring and getting to know each other better.......

One day yoongi was sitting at a table nursing a cup of coffee when suddenly jimin appeared dropping to one knee in front of him....

What are you doing??
Yoongi asked as his eyes widened

I have something important to confess!!
Jimin said with a serious voice

What is it??
Yoongi said dumbfounded

Jimin took a deep breath, looking yoongi directly in the eyes....
He began....

Yoongi, from the moment I first saw you at the coffee shop....
I knew there was something special about you!!
Your smart, talented and kind....
You make me feel things I've never felt before....
So, will you be my boyfriend??
Jimin spoke with a hope

You already stole my first kiss and you're proposing me now??
Yoongi asked chuckling

I figured I might as well keep the trend going....
But I seriously meant those words....
I want to be with you!!
Jimin spoke

I'll be your boyfriend jimin!!
Yoongi said with a warm smile

You'll be my boyfriend??
Oh my lord I can't believe this....
It's actually happening!!
Jimin's face lit up in happiness

Yes I will....
Yoongi muttered giggling

Despite having to be apart sometimes due to jimin's modeling career, they made sure to stay connected through phone calls and video chats!!
During each facetime session yoongi would sprawne on his bed and giggle when jimin flirted....

Jimin's modeling career required him to travel frequently, sometimes for days at a time and yoongi's job kept him busy almost all day....
This means that they didn't always have as much time together as they would have liked....

At first everything was alright....
But their busy schedules weren't the only challenges they had to face jimin's fame also brought unwanted attention from the media and fans alike....
Rumours and speculation about their relationship constantly made rounds and gossip....

The first few months of their relationship were idyllic, jimin showered yoongi with love and affection....
But as time passed jimin's career began to consume more and more of his time he was constantly on photo shoots, castings and fashion shows yoongi knew that jimin's career was important to him he couldn't help but feel neglected....
He missed the time they used to spend together and he felt like jimin was slowly pulling away from him....

Right now jimin was going through his suitcase, packing it with clothes for a photo shoot that was scheduled the next day in another city when he heard yoongi's voice he looked up with a hint of irritation....

Yoongi called out

Yeah? What is it?
I'm kinda in a hurry here!!
Jimin asked not looking at yoongi

Why are you being like this??
Did I do something wrong??
Yoongi asked

I'm not behaving like anything....
I'm just busy yoongi!!
My career is demanding as I don't have time to be attached to your hip all day....
Jimin heaved a deeps sigh

Do I look like an attention seeker to you??
Yoongi muttered

No, but sometimes you can be a little needy!!
I have a lot on my plate right now and I can't always drop everything to spend time with you....
There are responsibilities and obligations!!
Jimin said bluntly

Then why did you even love me if you don't have enough time for me??
Yoongi asked responded

I do love you yoongi....
But it's not easy being in a relationship with someone who's constantly demanding my attention!!
Jimin said taking a step towards yoongi

But I'm not demanding anything!!
I just want some time with you is that so much to ask??
Yoongi protested

I told you I'm too busy for that right now, my career is my priority and if you can't accept that then maybe you're not a cut out for a relationship with a celebrity!!
Jimin snapped back with frustration

You were the one who proposed me....
You were the one who made me believe in destiny, you were the one who showed what is love!!
And now you're blaming me??
Yoongi bristled in anger

I'm not blaming you for anything!!
I just need you to understand that my career is important to me!!
You can either accept or.....
Jimin trailed off leaving implication hanging in the air

Or what??
You'll break with me??
Is that what you're saying??
Am I that low??
Yoongi spoke with a mix of hurt

No yoongi that's now what I'm saying.....
My career isn't a hobby, it's my livelihood....
Jimin spoke with a strained voice

So you're saying your career is more important than our relationship??
Yoongi asked quietly

Sometimes I have to prioritize one over the other and right now my career is my priority!!
I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it's just reality of the situation....
Jimin spoke with unconvincing tone

Then leave me it's simple!!
Yoongi spoke silently

You want me to leave you??
Jimin's eyes widened in disbelief

Either choose me or your career....
Yoongi said

Why are you making me choose??
Jimin asked with a hint of desperation

I can't keep going like this....
I feel like you're pushing me aside like I don't matter to you anymore!!
Yoongi said emotionlessly

You really want me to choose between you and my career??
Jimin asked in a betraying tone

Bcoz I know if you pick your career we're done....
Maybe that's what needs to happen or destined to be as you're a big believer of that??
We're on two different paths!!
You're chasing your dreams, I'm just a distraction, a hindrance....
Yoongi said firmly

I've been prioritizing my career over you, and it's not fair to you!!
You deserve better than me....
Jimin spoke honestly

So that means you chose career at last??
That's great!!
Yoongi muttered his voice barely audible

The words hung in the air between them heavy with finality, yoongi felt a sadness wash over him....
He had known deep down that this was the choice jimin would make, but hearing him say it out lous stung like a knife to the heart....

So that's it then....
It's over!!
Yoongi said his voice flat

Yoongi wait-------
Jimin looked up with his eyes pleading

No jimin I was a fool to trust you!!
You made your choice!!
So we're done here!!
Yoongi cut him off firmly

Please don't do this....
Let's talk about this, we can work things out----
Jimin said reaching out his hand towards yoongi

There's nothing to work out....
You made it clear, what's important!!
And it's not me....
Yoongi said shaking his head

But yoongi....
I still love you....
I don't wanna lose you baby....
Jimin spoke with a cracked voice

You already lost me jimin....
The moment you chose career over me!!
Yoongi said

We can still think about it....
Jimin said desperately

Thankyou for everything jimin....
I loved you and I'll always love you!!
I hope you achieve more success....
And find a beautiful girl for yourself who will cherish you with love!!
Yoongi said smiling sadly with tears

Jimin stood there in shock, watching as yoongi walked away a tear rolled down his cheek and he clutched his chest as a sharp pain hit his heart....
He knew he had made a mistake but he had been blinded by his ambition and the allure of success as he watched yoongi disappear from sight, jimin realised he had lost something far more precious than his career....
To be continued
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