Bad Day

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Summary: You're having a bad day, but Riley's there for you.

Life was knocking you down and you couldn't find the will to start your day. It had been a while since you felt like this. But here you are again. Just laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. You had no idea where Riley was, but you didn't even have the energy to care about where your boyfriend was. Why you're feeling this way is a mystery.

Deep down you hoped Riley would come home soon because you needed him to give you the strength you needed to move on and be alright again.

As if he heard your prayers, he walked through the front door calling out to you. At lack of response, but still hearing your heartbeat, he made his way towards the bedroom the two of you shared. He could feel it, something was wrong.

As he saw you laying there, he knew that you were having an off-day. Instead of asking what was wrong he crawled into bed next to you. He put on the tv and started one of your favourite shows. You crawl into his arms and soak up his presence.

The love and appreciation you had for this man came to the surface, slowly removing all of the sadness. You loved him so so much and on days like this you realise how lucky you are to have him.

Ignoring the show, you give him a kiss on his cheek and whisper: "Thank you, I love you so much."

A smile graces his lips as he pulls you a little closer. "I love you too, love. Always and forever."

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