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Archer's POV

The large truck barely misses me as it flies past me. Here I am, standing in the middle of the road, completely confused and drunk out of my mind. The headlights of other cars are clear, but my legs feel like jelly as I try to move them. I flail my arms around helplessly as I try to get the driver's attention. My cheeks feel slightly moist, until I feel the tears streaming down my face.

Why am I crying?

"STOP!!" I scream, though clearly the drivers of the cars won't hear me, and my helpless calls for them to stop. My breathing is ragged and unsteady. My hands start to sweat as the panic rises in me. This is what it feels like to be in death's path. To be completely helpless and not be able to do anything about it. The cars approach me faster and faster, one of them going way over the sixty-five mph speed limit.

I wave my hands faster, but the car doesn't seem to be affected. I then start screaming incoherent things at the car. The car doesn't seem to be slowing down, only speeding up. I don't know what to do, tears are welling up in my eyes for no reason, and terror rakes through me, the feeling and realization of not being able to do anything, and being helpless tears through me. It scares me, all of it. The lights get brighter, so bright that the headlights are the only things that I see, completely taking over my vision, making my mind go blank.

I feel it, a sharp intake of breath comes from my mouth. My eyes are shut tightly. I'm alive, but barely. My muscles feel weak, yet tense at the same time. I'm still standing, the previous car is still driving at full speed, far past me.

What is going on?

More cars ram into me, but each one just feels like another blow. More tears go Another blow straight to the stomach, but they keep going. None of them stopping to see if I'm alright. None of them stopping to see if I'm even alive.

Do they even care?

My head aches, as well as my stomach. My eyes are droopy and exhausted. How am I not beyond dead? Every muscle in my body hurts, to sum it up I feel like death, even though I should be dead, beyond dead. How am I not dead?

What is happening?

My body aches, all over. Everything hurts. It's like my spirit has been broken and nothing and no one can fix it . .

Fix it.

Fix it- My eyes snap open, immediately my head starts pounding , it's like I ran into a wall . I open my eyes wider, I squint my eyes to clear of the blur that I see. Where am I? The car smells like vomit and alcohol, and maybe a little bit of pot. But I don't know where it came from, I don't even know where I am.

I reach my hands out to grab my phone, even though I have no clue where it went and it isn't in the pocket of my jeans. I hear a subtle clue of sirens as my vision begins to clear. The world feels upside down, literally. Maybe it it?

I groan loudly and pray that this is all another nightmare, although my previous nightmare seems a lot more real than this one.

My eyes begin to droop the moment I open them, causing me to close them once more, but through the moment of perfect vision I think I see glass. Tons and tons of glass. Maybe not, maybe this is all in my head, though I normally don't feel physical pain like I did when the first dream occurred, this could be part of my drunk, depressed state.


"Dude, are you alright?" A voice sounds, although I don't know where from , just the thought of opening my eyes frightens me.

"Archer, Archer man! What happened!" The loud voice sounds again. I must be hallucinating. Where is the voice coming from, why does it seem so familiar?

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