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Archer's POV

"Yo fukie! get some extra bottles of Jack Daniels! I heard that that new girl Danielle has a weakness for it. " Zach hollers from a few aisles to Greyson. I chuckle and turn back around to the shelf full of all the inviting looking liquors.  As I my eyes sweep over the large selection of alcohol I run my hand over the fabric of my jeans to feel my fake ID in my back pocket.  Zach is a total nerd when it comes to getting fake IDs, anything illegal actually. It's his freaking specialty. I'm sure if I tried I could be so many times better than him. No questions asked. But I don't, he sucks at almost everything so I'll let him do his thing.

"Ya, and grab me some more vodka" I call to him as I overlook the wines and champagnes. I don't drink wine or champagne I prefer vodka or Sex on the Beach, something that will actually get me to my goal; to get totally and utterly wasted.  But I decided to come into this aisle because the other guys went into the beer and vodka aisles and I was not going to go follow them like a little lost puppy looking for its mommy. Heck to the no.

"What kind?" Grey calls back to me. I scratch the back of my neck cautiously before responding.

"Skyy and Smirnoff both, and like four of each." I call, I need it today. It has been way too hectic and stressful, that frickin stupid girl with blue hair has been on my mind all day and Greyson had like disappeared today, totally ditched us. But whatever, I can survive without him. I can survive without anyone.

"Dude we're just hanging out. We're not going Project X style" He yells, and I can just picture him rolling his eyes in annoyance. Screw him.

"Whatever dude, just do them don't be such a pu-" I cut myself off as I see the elderly cashier give me a glare. I restrain myself from giving her the birdie, respect your elders Archy. "Alright lets get the heck out of here!" Zach exclaims and some of the others hoot in agreeance.

"IDs boys." The cashier, according to her name tag is Heather. I flash my mega watt smile and step forward. Watch and learn boys.

"Oh, why hello- Heather. Gosh what a beautiful name, but not even close to how beautiful you are my dearest Heather. How are you Heather darling?" I coo, resting my hands on the counter. Hre cheeks flush slightly but her stance remains the same. Little by little the wall will break, she will give in like all the others.

"Hah, you're a charmer. I'll give you that, but young man I need IDs this is certainly a lot of alcohol and you all have faces of high schoolers. The large muscles don't fool me." She glares at all of us,  the guys shift uncomfortably as if they have given up. Not yet sporty spices.

"Oh, why Heather I think that it is indeed true when people get only wiser as they age. I agree one hundred percent, but I have always been known to have the babiest of faces, we all were sorta. And isn't it also true that your body does not finish maturing? At least not until the end of college?" I ask raising my eyebrows, yet manage to keep my composure Heather stands there behind the counter with a shocked and confused expression plastered upon her face, I decide to continue, "And in conclusion we have not yet finished college. I wish we would have, the work is much too hectic. You must remember those days ye Heather? It wasn't that long ago."

"Well yes, at many times I wanted to rip out my hair piece by piece by piece until I was bald" She exclaimed, letting out a long breath. The boys stay silent, probably just as surprised as she is.

"See, then you know and we just want to have a good time, finals just finished and we want to relax. Not throw a huge party like most college students do, but you know just hang with our friends and have a couple drinks to celebrate. And now Heather before you reply, we will show you our IDs because what we are saying is true. Now here you are."  I lie and pull out the thin plastic card from my back pocket and hand it to Heather. She examines is slightly before handing it back to me with a smile.

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