His Malika{07}

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22nd April, 2020

Ramadan is in two days and I had been very excited and at the same time happy to spend Ramadan with my family in Abuja, for there is just something about the month that makes it really peaceful and calm. And with the things that happened and have been happening recently we need all the peacefulness we can get.

But it's like whenever I get a moment of peace and happiness that OW senses it and tries to kill my spirits because tell me why we have to go to Yola for Ramadan, why for what reason. Don't get me wrong I don't have any problem with Yola I just have a problem with the people residing there, especially that OW for she does anything and everything she can to make sure my mother and I specifically are not happy in that Yola, but what can I do unfortunately she's my step-grandmother and my mother's step-mother in-law.

Astaghfirullah, but sometimes I wonder how she's still alive she is literally 89 years old who is diabetic, had high blood pressure and a heart condition. Personally, I feel like that's a bit too much especially for someone her age and given her attitude and wickedness... let me stop here.

Rumors have it that she killed her cowife- my grandmother-using sihr- black magic- because she got married to her husband and then proceeded to use a different sihr on her husband to make him forget he ever had another wife in the first place and because she didn't like her co-wife, she didn't like her children either so she made attempts on their lives but proved futile.

One thing she never did was molest, or physically harm her co-wife's children who were four in number- my dad, Bushra, Shourayha, and mas'ud -till Bushra died at the age of 13. But because their father was under a spell he didn't care to look after the remaining three for he thought they weren't his children so they never grew up in Yola or Nigeria as a whole, they grew up in Yemen with their maternal family who took custody of them after their mothers demise.

Their maternal family took care of them till someone dug out the sihr that was placed on their father then he asks for them which was almost eight years later with my dad at the age of 23, Shourayha at the age of eighteen and mas'ud at the age of fifteen. By then my dad had already began with his business with the money he saved after working a part time job for five years at two different organizations after graduating from university with a degree in architecture and later did his master's in business administration.

Then they were summoned to Nigeria by their father and they went. When they arrived Abuja, Nigeria they took the next available flight to Yola and then booked a hotel near their fathers house, which caused ruckus because why will his children come and stay in a hotel to which my father replied we weren't welcome here back then I didn't think we would be now which cause a misunderstanding between them again and they went back to Yemen for another three years.

In that three years my father made a name for himself in the business industry and then proceeded to expand his business to Nigeria in the first year. And in the second month of the second year he went to Qatar, Doha for a business meeting and then he met my mother, they courted three months and eventually they got married in the fourth and by the third year he moved to south Korea with with his wife where they welcomed their first child, Asma . Shourayha at the age of twenty-one was working at a small law firm in Yemen, while Mas'ud was in his second year of university. Everything was going well for them till they were summoned back to Nigeria by their now old father under the pretense of him being ill, and they all went to Nigeria the following week with my mom, mind you my dad's family didn't know about his marriage.

When they landed Nigeria my father already bought a house in Yola which was far from my grandfather's house and that was where they stayed, which thankfully only caused his relatives to talk. When they went to the family house, they were surprised to say the least to find their father well and sound, which made my father angry because he was lied to. And honestly, I would be too. Turns out his father inly wanted to ask for their forgiveness and they were understanding and forgave each other, he then asked if my mom was their sister and shourayha proudly said matar yaya which left their father shocked but nonetheless happy for his son.

When they asked of their step-mother she appeared and sad a bunch of rubbish and then asked for forgiveness, and they forgave then she asked the same question her husband had asked before she came in and was rewarded with the same answer just more sassily and confidently. Which led to her asking if they consulted her and her husband before making such an important decision.se got unnecessarily angry because she wasn't consulted and my father told her he sees no reason why she should be worked up over that when she wasn't present in their lives and shares no direct relationship with them, no bond whatsoever. Then she angrily lest the room.

Then they were introduced to their other siblings- Ibrahim, Siyama, Mahmoud, Maryam- and their children. Ibrahim, Mahmoud and Siyama were warm and welcoming because they were there when all the events prior to then happened while Maryam was indifferent about it.

Ibrahim is the eldest son who is 30 years old, and he is married Jamila- who was also welcoming- and they have three children together; Ahmad who was five years old, Naima and Na'im who are twins were three years old.

Then Siyama who is the second child and is 27 years old married Umar Faruk- whom they didn't get to meet as they didn't reside in Yola- has four children; Zainab who was six years old, Madinah was four years old, Hauwa was two years old and Summaya was four months old.

Then my dad who is the third child and was 26 years old married my mom and they have Asma who was two months old

Then Mahmoud who is the fourth child and is 23 years old on is unmarried. Then shourayha who was twenty-one and also unmarried. Then Mas'ud who was 18 and in school. Then Maryam who was sixteen and also in school.

After meeting their siblings and making small talk, since they weren't all that comfortable with any of them-their siblings, I mean- they opted to go home and eat dinner but there father insisted they stayed for lunch and that's how they stayed for lunch with Hajjiya Rabia- my step-grandmother a.k.a Old Witch- sulking and throwing hurtful words at my father and his wife, so I guess the reason why she doesn't like my mother is because her step-son married her without asking for her opinion, like be for real. Anyway, they spent a total of one week in Yola before they took their leave promising to stay in touch- which they did- before they departed back to Yemen and stayed for a month before going back to Seoul. And that pretty much sums up why we- my siblings and I- call her old witch.

Now back to the reason why Hajiya Rabi hates me, because she has a very orthodox way of thinking, she doesn't like my modelling job, my YouTube, and pretty much everything I do except for being a doctor that part she shows me off like some prized possession-I wish- and also the fact that I'm almost twenty-four and unmarried, as if I'm the only grandchild that is unmarried. Last time I checked anty Maryam's daughter- that is older than me- is still unmarried, I guess were in the same boat then.

Anyway, that is part the reason why I don't want to go to Yola is because I have to meet the likes of old witch and anty Maryam who absolutely despise me for no apparent or valid reason, and the other reason is that my cousins came all the way from Qatar and now we have to go to Yola, like...




On the bright side at least ill get content for my YouTube.


double update because I'm a horrible author. sha you guys should please bear with me and if you can forgive me for I don't know when next I'm going to update. anyways enjoy,

building is hard btw. can i have book recommendations too please?.

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