The date

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Chapter 3
Stevens POV: I got ready to go pick up Courtney. When I got to her house I knocked on her door when she answered she looked so beautiful omg I can't believe that I'm actually taking her on a date😭💓.
Courtney's POV: before Steven got here I put on high waisted jeans with rips in the knees and a black crop top with my vans and my hair was curled. Someone knocked on the door it was Steven when I opened the door his jaw dropped. Um Steven are you okay? I said.😂 What...What... Oh yea I'm ok. Said Steven. Ok good I said. So we went to go get some icecream after that he walked me home and I was about to go inside when he grabbed me and kissed me💋. I was shocked I didn't even know he liked me. Oh um I'm so sorry said Steven. It's ok I said. I kissed his cheek then went inside.
Stevens POV: gawd why did I kiss her she probably thinks I'm a freak or something but I think she liked it cause before she went inside she kissed my cheek.😊 I really like Courtney so I'm gonna tell her tomorrow with a big surprise she gonna be so happy when she sees the surprise.☺️
That's not Courtney in the picture that's someone else in the picture😉

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