Courtneys birthday

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(A/n I'm only gonna stick with one pov so it isn't confusing.)

Chapter 17
Courtney's pov: Yay yay!! today's my birthday. I'm turinging 14 years old today I called up Steven and said. ( c=Courtney / s=Steven )

C: hey Steven
S: hey court,what's up?
C: nothing but since today's my b-day I thought maybe me and you could just go somewhere for dinner with the baby
S: sure and happy birthday babe
C: thanks bby
*end of convo*
So after that I got dressed. I put a blue dress on. After that I put my hair in a fishtail braid to the side. After that I took the baby a shower and but a dress on her. I heard my phone buzzing and Steven was calling me

S: hey court
C: hey Steven
S: I'm at your front door
C: ok I'm coming bye
S: bye babe
*end of convo*
I picked up Layla and went to my front door when I got outside Steven looked at me and Layla.

(A/n if you don't know who Layla is she's Courtney's baby girl)
Aw my to baby girl said Steven. I laughed. Steven Waled us to the limo and we got in and listened to music. We got to the restaurant and we ordered I ordered pasta and the baby had baby food Steven or pasta to.
*after dinner*
Me, Steven and Layla went home we put Layla to sleep cause it was late. Me and Steven watched a movie I ended up falling asleep on Steven. Sweet dreams princess said Steven. Love you he said.
------------------------------------------sorry if this was pretty short I'm going somewhere but I'll do more chapter and I'm sorry that I've been lacking on chapters I'm running out of ideas

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