I Promise

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The soft whir of medical equipment and the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor were the only sounds in the dimly lit hospital room, which had been set that way to reflect the late time of night. The sounds were only interrupted occasionally by the muted footsteps of other medical personal passing by in front of the door to the room.

Hayvna lay unconscious on a biobed in that room, her body a canvas of pain and bandages with a dark haze of fever clouding her mind. Days had passed since the Klingons had attacked the Star Chaser, but for Hayvna, time had lost meaning. Not long after she had been taken off the ventilator days earlier had infection set in overnight, causing problems with her recovery. High fevers only worsened into a condition of delirium anytime she gained any consciousness.

In the depths of her fevered dreams, images flickered like a malfunctioning holo-display. She saw herself in the cargo bay of the Star Chaser, the acrid smell of smoke and blood saturating the air. A Klingon warrior towered over her, a cruel smile twisting his lips as he gripped her arm and raised his bat'leth. With a scream that echoed in her mind, she lunged to protect her crewmates so they would have time to escape—a futile gesture that cost her dearly.

But as the pain surged through her, it was a different voice that broke the silence of her unconsciousness—a voice as steady as a Vulcan's resolve.

"Ensign...Hayvna. You are safe." Spoke the calm voice, one that was so familiar that her fevered mind latched onto it. "You are in Starfleet Medical."

Dr. T'lirri. That was the voice she heard as the ensign let out a faint whine, attempting to force her eyes to open. Her friend. She needed to see her friend.

The knowledge that her best friend was nearby was like a balm for her frayed nerves, a calmness that promised the safety she craved for through the tidal wave of dulled pain.

"...T...T'lirri...?" Hayvna croaked out, her voice hoarse with disuse and her throat protesting with sharp pings of pain. Her eyes fluttered open to reveal the barely lit room and the blurry blue form of Dr. T'lirri standing at her bedside with a PADD in her hands.

"Affirmative, Ensign. I am here. Please take deeper breaths or the nasal cannula will not do its intended use."

Hayvna obeyed, struggling to against the pain that coursed through her like an electric current. As her breaths slowed and came out as shallow gasps, the darkness in her mind receded a bit more and she could almost fully make out the fuzzy image of T'lirri.

"W...What happened?" Hayvna managed around a dry throat as T'lirri took the que to walk over to a table off to the side and grab a closed cup with a straw.

Returning to Hayvna's bedside, she leaned over and held the straw up to her lips. "Small sips. I do not wish for you to cause yourself further harm."

Hayvna followed the Vulcan's advice as she took two or so sips before Dr. T'lirri took the cup and put it away. "What do you recall, Ensign?"

"Attack...there was an attack..." Hayvna whispered as her voice faltered at her words. "But...what happened...? I can't remember..."

"Not to worry, Ensign. It is only logical for you not to recall all that happened to you, especially with the nature of your injuries." Dr. T'lirri replied calmly as she tapped a few buttons on her PADD. "You sustained severe injuries while protecting your crewmates."

Pain rippled through Hayvna as memories flooded back—screams, blaster fire, the metallic clang of the Klingon's weapon. She remembered the moment the blade cut through her flesh, the shock that had followed, and then the darkness. "My arm..." She whispered, the realization hitting her like a tidal wave.

"Your left arm was lost, Ensign. The medical team performed an amputation to save your life. It...was the only logical call."

The weight of her condition settled around her like a heavy cloak, suffocating and cold. "No..." The word came out as a broken sob. "I... I can't..."

The sob that came from her brought pain with it and she let out a shout, causing Dr. T'lirri to jump into action. In a quick movement, the Vulcan had a hypospray in her hands and she pressed it gently against the young ensign's neck, the effects almost immedient.

"I...I'm scared..." Hayvna whispered out as she felt the pain reliever doing its job, the pain ebbing away and leaving her exhausted.

T'lirri rested her hand on the female's right shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You are alive, and that is what matters. You are strong, Hayvna. You will adapt. I am here to help you."

"Promise you won't leave...please?" Hayvna begged the young Vulcan quietly as she felt a cool hand rest itself on her forehead, something that seemed to sooth her.

"As a Vulcan, I can swear on it. You know I do not lie. Now rest, Lieutenant Commander Alegre wants to speak with you once you are able."

"Okay." Hayvna whispered as exhaustion and fever finally won over and she slipped into darkness, this time without fear.

Fragments of Valor: The Last Stand of the USS Star ChaserWhere stories live. Discover now