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Your feet thudded quickly against the ground, your arms pumping as you ran as fast as your four-year-old body would allow. The sky was getting dark, and you knew that if you got home after the sun had set then your parents would be upset. You gasped for air as you pushed thick branches and leaves out of your face, hoping to see-

"Bigoli-AAHOOF!" You exclaimed, your pet coming into view right as you tripped over a root and fell face-first into the ground. The ferret in question barked as you groaned, pushing yourself onto your knees. You threw the mongrel a look. You just knew he was laughing at you. "Now why would you run off like that? This is why I have you on a leash...most of the time."

Bigoli just tilted his head at you. You sighed. "Okay okay, I won't blame you this time," You relented, doing your best to scoop the long, floppy animal up into your short arms. As if he wanted to assist you, Bigoli chirped and scampered up your arm, conveniently resting himself around your shoulders. You giggled. "I swear to god, you're almost too smart."

[It'd be more accurate to say 'I swear to gods' actually.] Your head snapped up and you froze. That definitely was not the voice of one of your parents. But looking around, you couldn't see who could've said it. You realized they sounded close, uneasiness slowly rising in your gut. You jumped when you heard a chuckle. [Y'know, with there being more than one god and all.. Heh, not like you'd know that...]

"...Am I about to get stranger-dangered?" you whispered. Suddenly Bigoli barked, springing from your shoulders and dashing somewhere in front of you. You gasped, diving for the ferret as he pounced behind a bush. "Bigoli what the fu-"

[Hey, language.] You blinked in surprise. The voice was indeed not coming from around you. You looked cautiously at the mask that your pet was now sniffing curiously. You had a very strong feeling that it was the mask that was talking. And that made you feel absolutely insane.

You swallowed. "Uhhhhhhh...don't tell me-"

[I'm gonna cut you off there, (Name).] You scrunched your eyebrows together as the mask that was 100% talking to you interrupted you. [Listen, I normally enjoy humans marveling over how I can talk and asking what exactly I am, but wouldn't it be even cooler if you just, I dunno... Put me on your face?]

Your expression fell. "What."

[I mean,] the mask continued. [What's with kids these days seeing a good mask laying on the ground for free and not trying to wear it? I mean, I knew you were special but I still thought you wouldn't have that much common sense yet. Y'know how long I've been waiting for you to wear me? I wouldn't've even had to use your little vermin to get you over here if you just acted like a child and touched things out of curiosity!]

"Wait a minute." Something clicked in your brain. You squinted your eyes at the mask, looking hard at the familiar black streaks that were etched into it, forming to look almost like waves. It didn't even have eyeholes, the places where eyes normally would've been cut simply having black paint covering the indents. And the blue dot in the middle of the forehead... "You're the mask that was in my driveway!"

[Aaand at the park,] It said.

"And on top of the trash bin at school!"

[And under the sink, and in your backpack, and in the doctor's office, yada yada yada geez.] It sighed in exasperation. [I was literally everywhere, so why did you not ONCE even pick me up?!]

You snatched your ferret away from the thing, a look of annoyance crossing your face. "You know my name, can talk, know everywhere I go, and reeaaally want me to wear you. Also you told me not to cuss like you're my mom. You're a total weirdo!"

Masquerade || Yandere!BNHA x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now