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        You stumbled forwards as your dad gave the contents of your backpack a shove. You grumbled, adjusting the bag on your shoulders and giving him a look. "Dad, you're stuffing my bag like I'm going to summer camp," you complained. You almost fell again as you felt him put yet another thing inside the bag. "Or a month-long sleepover."

"Well, pea," he replied. "You are going off on one of your adventures."

You rolled your eyes. "I'm exploring the neighborhood, Dad, not the whole country."

You heard a zip, then almost got whiplash from how fast your dad turned you around. He held you by your shoulders and looked into your eyes, smiling. "You sound just like your mother when you complain like that." He said fondly. He reached under your arms and adjusted the shoulder straps, tightening them just enough to stop the bag from sagging. After he was sure it was secure, he gave you a pat on the shoulder. "Well, I'm officially done preparing you for war. Good luck, (Name)."

You glanced behind you, shifting the backpack to gauge its weight. It wasn't that bad, thinking about it. If you were being honest, you knew that he probably just stuffed it full of snacks and a couple water bottles. You'd most likely be back before dinner, but your dad was always kind of a worried mother hen, funnily enough. You looked at him again, this time giving him a smile.

"You're my favorite dad, Dad," you told him. He chuckled, wings fluttering.

"I know."

You both took each other's comments as a goodbye and, after tipping a pretend cap at him, you spun on your heel and walked down the driveway. Which took a while, since your father decided to invest into an entire estate after the Toga fiasco.

The place was so big, it still frustrated you that your mom (nor Bigoli, since she was the one that adopted him) didn't just come with him. Why did they have to stay in the city? This whole "seperation" thing is stupid.

As soon as you were out of earshot from your dad, Amaros decided to speak up. [Y'know,] He said. [I've been wondering what lead to your parents getting together. Like,] You could just hear the mischief in his voice. [IIs your dad into horns?]

You frowned. "I think you're really good at ruining my day," you muttered. You smoothed out one of your eyebrows with your finger. "Don't talk about how my parents became attracted to each other around me, dude."

The spirit grunted, then hummed in understanding. [You're right, yeah,] He agreed, sounding remorseful. [Besides, it obviously went both ways. There's just something about those wings, y'know?] He smacked his lips like he just discovered something obvious, smirking when you looked even more displeased.

You sighed. It was great that you had a quirk now, but honestly sometimes the guy was the bane of your existence. And it only got worse when you discovered you could now actually see his mouth. His mouth, of all things. Now you had the pleasure to see an actual smirk floating next to you, flying this way and that as he circled around you, amused. You were looking less and less forward to being able to see his full form.

You kicked a rock as you finally reached the end of your driveway. You frowned again as you realized all you had was either the option to walk through grass or along the road, no sidewalk in sight.

"Why don't rich people like sidewalks?" you muttered. "Dumbest thing for them to get rid of..."

[One of them hundreds of years ago probably convinced the others that having a sidewalk was a sign of poverty.] The spirit reasoned. He then looked around, pursing his lips as you began to stroll through the woods. [Ohh, okay. So, you complain about not having a sidewalk, and only having the choice of walking either on the road or on the grass, only for you to go with option C and start trekking through trees?]

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