Chapter Nine: Wuthering Heights

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Dylan couldn't shake the nervous flutter in his chest as he followed Sophie, Emily, and Marcus through the winding hallways of Crestwood Academy. The building was eerily quiet this early in the morning, the only sound being the soft click of their shoes on the polished wooden floors. Dylan kept his eyes low, still feeling self-conscious in his skirt. Every step felt surreal, as if he'd stepped into an entirely different world overnight.

When they reached the classroom, Sophie paused just before opening the door. She turned to Dylan and Marcus, her voice soft but matter-of-fact. "Just remember to follow along, answer questions if asked, and try to keep up. No one here is going to cut you any slack just because you're new."

Dylan gave a small nod, though inside he still felt unprepared for whatever was about to happen. Marcus, quiet as usual, shifted uncomfortably beside him, adjusting his skirt with a resigned sigh.

Emily offered a small smile, but her tone mirrored Sophie's. "You'll figure it out. Just treat it like any other class. It's not like anyone's worried about how you're handling things."

The weight of those words lingered in the air as Sophie pushed the door open.

Inside the classroom, about fifteen students were already seated, chatting among themselves. The room itself was quaint, with large windows letting in the morning light and shelves lined with old, leather-bound books. At the front stood Mrs. Adkins, a tall woman with sharp features and a kind yet no-nonsense expression. She eyed the newcomers immediately, her gaze lingering on Dylan and Marcus.

"Ah, you must be the new students," Mrs. Adkins said, her voice warm but commanding the room's attention. "Class, we have two new additions today—Diana and Maya. They'll be joining us for the rest of the semester."

Dylan's stomach dropped at the sound of his new name, but he forced a smile as the other students turned in their seats to look at him and Marcus. The girls offered polite, neutral nods, while a few whispers passed between them. It didn't feel as bad as Dylan had feared; it was more like a mild curiosity than outright scrutiny.

"Take a seat wherever you like," Mrs. Adkins instructed before turning back to the blackboard, where she'd already begun writing the title of the day's reading: Wuthering Heights.

Sophie and Emily slid into seats near the front, leaving Dylan and Marcus to find spots close to them. Dylan quickly dropped into the chair next to Sophie, while Marcus sat just behind him, his movements stiff and awkward.

"Welcome to 19th-century literature," Mrs. Adkins began, her tone brightening slightly. "We'll be diving into some of the most iconic novels of the era this semester, and today we'll be starting with Wuthering Heights. Now, I know it's a dense read, but the themes of love, revenge, and societal expectations are going to spark some interesting discussions."

Dylan opened the textbook Sophie had handed him earlier, the weight of the thick volume adding to his feeling of being out of place. He was half-listening as Mrs. Adkins spoke, but his mind was still on the awkwardness of being introduced as "Diana." Every time someone used that name, it reminded him how strange everything had become.

Mrs. Adkins began asking questions about the first few chapters they had read the previous week, and Dylan tried to stay focused. Sophie raised her hand, offering a thoughtful answer about the dynamics between Heathcliff and Catherine. Emily chimed in as well, clearly passionate about the subject. Dylan admired how natural they seemed, blending into the class with ease.

Then, Mrs. Adkins called on him. "Diana, do you have any thoughts on how the setting of the moors reflects Heathcliff's inner turmoil?"

Dylan froze for a second, his mind racing trying to scramble together an answer based on what the other girls were discussing. He hadn't expected to be called on so soon.

"Uh... I think it kind of shows how isolated Heathcliff feels?" he managed, hoping he was on the right track. "Like, the moors are wild and kind of... untamed, and it matches how he's, you know, struggling with his emotions."

Mrs. Adkins smiled approvingly. "Exactly. The moors represent both freedom and isolation, which mirrors Heathcliff's internal conflict. Well done, Diana."

Dylan let out a small breath of relief, grateful to have survived his first real moment of participation. He glanced over at Marcus, who was staring down at his textbook, looking equally nervous.

As the class went on, Dylan began to feel more at ease. Mrs. Adkins kept the discussion lively, and while the subject matter was heavier than he was used to, he found himself getting pulled into the story of Wuthering Heights. The characters were complicated, the emotions raw—something about it resonated with him in a way he hadn't expected.

After what felt like an eternity, the class finally came to an end. As the students began packing up their things, Mrs. Adkins stopped Dylan and Marcus on their way out.

"You both did well today," she said kindly, her sharp eyes softening a little. "It can be daunting, starting in the middle of the semester like this, but you're off to a good start. Keep it up."

Dylan mumbled a quick thank you, still feeling out of place but at least reassured he hadn't completely messed up his first day. Marcus offered a half-hearted nod, clearly eager to escape the classroom.

As they stepped into the hallway, Sophie and Emily waited for them, smiling warmly.

"You did great," Sophie said, nudging Dylan with her elbow. "See? It wasn't so bad."

Dylan shrugged, still feeling awkward. "Yeah, I guess. It's just... weird hearing everyone call me something else."

Emily raised an eyebrow but didn't soften her stance. "It doesn't really matter. You're here now, and the headmistress decided this is how things are going to be. We're not here to make sure you're comfortable."

Marcus, walking a bit behind them, finally spoke up. "Yeah, well, that doesn't make it any less weird."

Sophie smirked, clearly unbothered. "Weird or not, you ssurvived. Now just keep doing that and you'll be fine."

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