Chapter Twenty-Five: Trivia Night

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The common room buzzed with quiet chatter as Aaron, Dylan, Marcus, Kyle, and the mentors lounged after their morning classes. Dylan leaned back on the couch while Marcus flipped through a magazine. Aaron scrolled absentmindedly on his phone. 

Sophie, sitting cross-legged on the floor, broke the silence. "So, I was talking to Harper earlier," she began, her voice teasingly casual, "and she's hosting a trivia night tonight in her dorm's common area."

"Harper?" Aaron looked up. "I think she's in my history class?"

"Yeah, the one with the trivia obsession," Hannah chimed in, grinning. "She's been hyping this up for weeks."

Dylan groaned. "I'm not really in the mood to be quizzed to death tonight."

Emily leaned over, poking him in the side. "Oh, come on, Dylan. It's not just trivia... there's a twist."

"What kind of twist?" Dylan asked, now a bit more interested.

"Dares," Sophie said, her eyes lighting up. "Losers of each round have to do a dare."

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "What kind of dares are we talking about?"

"Well, it depends on how badly you lose," Emily shrugged, a smirk forming. "Some are mild, some... not so much."

Aaron scoffed, "Yeah, sounds like the perfect way to get me into more trouble."

"I think it could be fun," Marcus chimed in, surprising even himself. His nails from last night's escapade still gleamed as he fidgeted with his hands.

Hannah caught the movement and smirked. "See? Marcus has got the right attitude. Embrace your situation, go all in!"

"Excatly," Sophie replied. "Harper's events are always a good time. You might even win."

"I don't know if I'm convinced," Dylan sighed. "I'm already bad at trivia. Throw in dares, and I'm bound to lose."

Emily leaned in, her voice soft but playful. "Scared of a little fun, Dylan? Or maybe you just don't want to face the dares..."

Dylan shifted, glancing at Aaron and Kyle for backup, but Aaron's grin only widened.

"Fine, I'm in," Dylan finally muttered, folding his arms. "But if I get stuck with some ridiculous dare, I'm blaming all of you."

"That's the spirit," Hannah said, clapping her hands together. "Let's meet up here after dinner, and we'll head over together."

That evening, the common area in Harper's dorm was buzzing with excitement. About thirty girls filled the space, chatting and taking their seats as Harper stood at the front, holding a stack of trivia cards. Emily, Sophie, Hannah, Marcus, and Dylan arrived together, mingling among the crowd, trying to blend in. Dylan looked around, a little apprehensive, but Sophie nudged him forward with an encouraging smile.

"All right, everyone!" Harper called out. "We'll be dividing into pairs for tonight's trivia. I've got the teams set up randomly, so find your partner and get ready!"

Dylan found himself paired with Claire, the same girl he recognized from his riding class and finance course. As he walked over to her, she smiled warmly.

"Hey, Diana! Nice nails," Claire said, glancing at his hands. Dylan had almost forgotten about the manicure from the night before. He blushed slightly, shifting his feet.

"Oh, thanks," he muttered, still getting used to his nails.

Across the room, Marcus had been paired with a girl named Sarah, who greeted him with an enthusiastic grin. They sat down together, and Sarah immediately struck up a conversation about the trivia night. She was focused on the fun.

Harper kicked off the first round, the questions starting off simple. As the rounds progressed, the dares grew in intensity, just like Sophie had warned. Marcus and Sarah lost in round two, and Harper pulled out the dare.

"Oh, this one's spicy," she said with a mischievous grin. "You two have to hold a kiss for one full minute."

Marcus's eyes widened, a mix of nervousness and embarrassment spreading across his face. Sarah, however, wasn't fazed. She shrugged and laughed, giving Marcus a teasing look.

"What the matter, Maya?," she said, leaning in closer. "You a bad kisser?"

Sarah grabbed Marcus head pulling it in closer. The room watched as they held their kiss for the full minute. He could feel his face burning, but Sarah kept things light, laughing it off once it was done.

As the rounds continued, Dylan and Claire held their own until round five, where they ended up tying for last with another pair—Amber and Kayla. The four of them groaned in unison as Harper pulled out the dare for that round.

"All right, you four, here's your dare: you have to sign up for the school's upcoming talent show and perform a dance. And the rest of us get to pick which one."

The girls in the room immediately began shouting suggestions. The top contender at first was the "Jingle Bell Rock" performance from Mean Girls, but then Sophie stood up and waved her hand, grinning mischievously.

"No, no, no. It has to be Single Ladies from Beyoncé's music video," she said with a knowing smile.

The rest of the room instantly agreed. Claire, Amber, and Kayla weren't too fazed—they laughed and nodded, accepting the challenge with good spirits. Dylan, however, felt his stomach drop. Dancing to Beyoncé? In front of the whole school?

"Period, it's settled," Harper declared. "You girls will perform 'Single Ladies' at the talent show in two weeks."

Dylan forced a smile, trying to match the energy of the group. "Sounds fun," he muttered, but inwardly he was already dreading the idea.

After the trivia ended, everyone began mingling. Kayla and Amber made their way over to Dylan and Claire, their excitement palpable.

"So," Kayla started, "Amber and I were talking, and we think we should take the talent show performance like hella seriously. Like, go all out with the outfits, choreography..."

Amber nodded enthusiastically. "No, like it'll be literally so much fun if we do it right!"

Claire, clearly on board, beamed. "Yes! I'm totally down."

Dylan could feel the pressure mounting as he nodded along. "Totally. It'll be... great!" he said, though internally, he was screaming at the thought of dressing up and dancing on stage.

As the night wound down and everyone said their goodbyes, Dylan, Marcus, and the three girls walked back to their dorms. The air was cool, and the chatter between them was light, but Dylan couldn't help but feel bitter.

"I told you I'd blame you if I got a ridiculous dare," Dylan said, giving Emily a pointed look.

Emily raised her hands defensively. "Hey, it could've been worse. At least you aren't now on the synchronized swimming like Aaliyah and Ellie."

Dylan sighed. "Yeah, I'm not sure if that's actually any worse than dancing like Beyoncé in front of the entire school."

Hannah laughed. "Who knows, you might find your true talent and steal the show."

Dylan just shook his head, already dreading what was to come.

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