Chapter Thirty-One: Foggy Morning

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Dylan's alarm rang early, cutting through the silence of his dorm room. He sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes before quickly slipping out of bed. Today, he needed to speak with Beaumont before breakfast. The modelling punishment had been hanging over him, and he couldn't afford to find out what would happen if he missed it. He rushed through his morning routine, slipping into his uniform and carefully brushing his hair into place. Before leaving, he checked himself in the mirror one last time, ensuring everything was perfect. Beaumont would quickly point out any flaw, and the last thing Dylan wanted was to hear criticism first thing in the morning.

As he stepped out into the chilly morning, a thick fog blanketed the campus. The courtyard, usually bustling, was serene and empty, with most students still in bed. The brisk air bit at his legs, and he silently thanked himself for choosing pantyhose today. The cold made him appreciate the small comforts, but even as he walked, he couldn't shake the lyrics of "Single Ladies" from his head. The constant loop of Beyoncé's voice was a reminder of what awaited him this week.

As he reached the administrative building, the heavy door creaked open, and he made his way down the familiar hall to Beaumont's office. Just before knocking, he flattened his skirt one last time and adjusted his blazer. He needed to be as polished as possible. With a deep breath, he gently knocked on Beaumont's door.

"Come in," her voice rang from inside.

Dylan opened the door carefully, slipping inside before closing it behind him with a soft click. "Good morning, Headmistress," he greeted her politely, standing just inside the room with his feet pressed tightly together, his hands resting in front of his waist as he'd been taught.

Beaumont, glancing up from her desk, nodded in acknowledgment. "Diana, what can I help you with?"

"I wanted to apologize for not asking during our meeting, but I was hoping to know when and where I'm supposed to meet Maggie Banks for the modeling assignment," Dylan said, his voice soft but formal.

Beaumont smiled lightly, flipping through a folder on her desk. "Ah, yes. I forgot to mention that detail, didn't I?" She nodded. "You'll be meeting with her Friday morning before classes start. The two of you will meet in the Garment and Apparel classroom. Maggie will be going over your measurements and discussing the design with you."

Dylan gave her a polite nod, forcing a smile. "Thank you, Ms. Beaumont."

Beaumont leaned back slightly in her chair, giving him a thoughtful look. "You're in good hands, Diana. Maggie is one of the best in the class. I'm sure she'll create something very beautiful for you to model."

Dylan's stomach twisted at the thought of it, but he quickly plastered on a look of excitement and gratitude. "That sounds great! I'm really looking forward to it," he lied, hoping it sounded convincing.

Beaumont returned to her work, dismissing him with a brief nod. Dylan took that as his cue and gracefully exited the office, closing the door behind him. As he made his way to the dining hall for breakfast, he found himself lost in thought. The last thing he wanted was to model in front of the entire school, but he couldn't afford to complain. The quicker he improved his grades, the sooner he'd be free of any more "incentives."

When Dylan entered the dining hall, his friends were already seated. Sophie was the first to notice his absence earlier. "Where have you been? You're usually the first one here."

Dylan slid into his seat, grabbing a piece of toast from the center of the table. "I had to stop by Beaumont's office. I needed to ask about the modeling thing," he explained.

Aaron smirked. "Wait, what modeling thing?

Dylan shot Kyle a knowing look. "Same thing Kyle's got. It's a special 'incentive' from Beaumont to make sure we don't fail anymore tests."

Marcus laughed, nudging Kyle with his elbow. "Seriously?"

Kyle shrugged, a half-smile on his face. "Unfortunately."

Sophie raised her eyebrows, genuinely curious. "Honestly, I'm a little jealous. I wouldn't mind modelling. It sounds kind of fun."

"Well, if you want to come with us on Friday, you're welcome to see if anyone else is still looking for a model, maybe someone will need a last-minute addition," Dylan offered, half-joking but hoping to shift the focus away from himself.

Sophie's eyes lit up at the idea.

Hannah grinned. "I'm in. Could be fun!"

Dylan smiled, glancing over at Aaron and Marcus. "You two want to come, too?"

Aaron and Marcus quickly declined the invitation, still chuckling. "We have to respectfully decline," Aaron said with a smirk, trying his best to sound like Ms. Abbott, "but thank you oh so much for the generous offer."

Dylan shrugged it off with a grin, glad they were keeping things lighthearted. The rest of breakfast passed in a blur of light conversation and laughter. Despite the teasing, Dylan felt a bit more at ease. At least he wasn't the only one stuck in this.

After finishing up, they grabbed their bags and headed off to class, the cold morning air greeting them once again as they stepped outside.

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⏰ Last updated: 15 hours ago ⏰

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