CHAPTER 01 - My lovely Lucy

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As most stories start between a man and a woman, he swept me off my feet. He swept me off my feet with a metal bat.

My world flipped as I landed on my back, my head ricocheting onto the wet road. The streetlamp above us burst into stars as my vision blurred. I winced at the pain shooting up my spine and bit my tongue.

A weight crushed my chest. Heaving for air, I blinked up at the man standing over me. Gone was everything I thought I knew about him. His muddied boot stained my blouse and blood dripped from the bat he had slung across his shoulder.

Is that my blood? I wondered. He stepped off me and strolled to the back of his car. Pushing myself onto my elbows, I stared at my legs. They were already swollen, but no open wounds.

Which meant the blood on the bat was not mine...

And that was when I saw it.

Dangling from the trunk was a bloodied, lifeless hand. The man shoved it back inside before he turned to me again with duct tape and an unfortunate smile.

"I didn't plan this," he said. "You were just unlucky."

The pain, the cold night air, everything disappeared until I was left with nothing but the simple conclusion that I would die tonight.

"I'm sorry about that," was all I said.

And I meant it.




On Monday morning, I arrived at first year orientation exactly five minutes before it was due to start. Autumn trees livened up the lush green fields of the academic quadrangle. Some students were gathered already, but it took ten minutes for orientation to begin and another twenty for most first years to arrive.

"Did I make it?" Bianca Brooks huffed as she ran over.

I smiled at my friend, handing her the flyers we were all given.

"It's mostly been talking. They're finishing up with campus rules and regulations."

"Oh, good. The tour after this?"



Bianca pulled her sunglasses over her eyes. We shared a look before she laughed, shoving my shoulder playfully.

"Hey, don't judge," she said. "Not everyone can be as perfect as Lucy Starling. There was a pre-orientation party last night."

Although the signs of waking up late were there — flip flops and a puffer jacket she never wore, Bianca's makeup was still flawless and her ombre blonde and purple hair was pulled into a perfect ponytail.

"Don't forget to drink lots of water today," I cautioned.

"Yes, Mom," she rolled her eyes.

"With my part done," the orientation head spoke up louder, "I'm happy to hand the reigns over to more lively hands. Please give a warm welcome to the Student Body Representatives." Eyes framed with crow's smiled at the students stepping onto the platform.

A change in atmosphere rushed over the crowd of first years along with the autumn breeze. Whispers fluttered around like rustling leaves.

"There he is," Bianca gushed, "the reason half the girls here chose this university."

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