Treta Yug

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This is my new fanfiction on what if
Kartavirya Arjun got a second chance for his redemption after being killed by bhagwan Parshuram for his misdeeds and arrogance

This story starts from the Treta Yug (Second Age of Sanatan Timeline) there was a powerful empire in Central India named Maheshmati which was ruled by the descendants of Haihaya a Yadava ruler.

That Empire was ruled by the powerful king named Arjuna who was son of King Kritavirya and and Ikshvaku princess

He was a great devotee of Lord Dattatreya and got immense powers from him. He got thousands of arms and many divine weapons such as vaishnavastra brahmastra pashupatastra and also the personal trident of Bhagwan Dattatreya and also learn how to rule

He was one of the longest ruling monarchs of tretayug and ruled his Empire for more than 80000 years. He did many sacrifices and became the universal monarch of Earth.

Because of his 1000 arms he was popularly known as Sahstrabahu Arjun and defeated many powerful warriors in three worlds including mighty Ravan whom he gave very embarrassing defeat and held him as a prisoner for many decades until Ravana's grandfather Pulatsya himself came to court of Arjuna to request for the release of his grandson however Arjuna who was devoted to Brahmans accepted his wish.

In his lifetime he did 1000 Horse sacrifices and 100 imperial sacrifices. He captured seven continents and dead many Yagya on their land.

But soon with his power and influence he started to become arrogant and cruel he was very proud of his power and started to consider every one as his unequal.

His downfall started when 6th Avatar of Lord Vishnu Rama who was born in Bhargava Rama to Maharishi Jamdagini and his wife Renuka. Rama was very fond of archery and initially he learnt warfare from Sage Vasistha and Brahma Rishi Vishwamitra.

But Ram was not satisfied from what he learnt. He did Tapasya of Lord Mahadev and pleased him. Later on Lord Mahadev teaches the entire knowledge of dhanurved and gave him each and every celestial weapon to Lord Ram which was unknown to any mortal or immortal including his mighty mahapasupatastra.

Later on Lord Mahadev being impressed from Lord Rama gave him the divine axe due to which the Bhargav Rama came to be popularly known as Bhagwan Parshuram.

Then Lord Mahadev gave bhagwan Parshuram his divine Dhanush such as Vijay Dhanush,Ajgava Dhanush, Rudra Dhanush Maheshwar Dhanush and Many more.

After getting tutelage from Lord Mahadev Parshuram was the only one among mortals and Immortals who knew the entire knowledge of Dhanurveda and there was no celestial weapon which was hidden from Lord Parshuram.

Lord Parshuram after worshipping Lord Mahadev returned to the ashram of his father and after that he got love from his parents and his family and he got Sharanga Dhanush which was his personal Dhanush from his father which he got from his grandfather and his grandfather Richika got the personal bow of Lord Narayan from Narayana himself.

Lord Parshuram was a very great Warrior and there was no one who can even match his abilities.

During this period of time Emperor Arjuna along with other kshatriya rulers became very opressive and arrogant and they started to harass the weak persons and they forget the duties of the king.

And due to this tragedy happened which changed the life of Lord Parshuram forever.

Kritavirya Arjun's oppression and arrogance was increasing day by day and one day he while hunting in the forest took shelter in the ashram of Lord Jamdagini and Renuka in the absence of Lord Parshuram.

Arjuna was confused about how mere Brahmin can feed his entire Army. But Sage Jamadagni had a Kamdhenu cow who helped him to feed king Arjun and his entire Army

Arjun was very impressed by that cow and he thinks that divine cow deserves to be in the palace of him not in the ashram of the poor Brahmin family.

Initially Arjun asked Jamadagni for that but he declined that saying that Kamdhenu cow is the source of his livelihood he can't give away as his Kamdhenu cow is more precious than his life.

Hearing this Arjun becomes angry and with the force of his Army threaten Lord Jamadagni and his family and take away the calm they Kaamdhenu from him.

When Lord Parshuram got to know about this then he got angry his parents try to stop him but he did not stop and went to mahishmati to challenge Arjun.

Arjun was initially making fun of Lord Parshuram that how can a mere Brahmin defeat whom even mighty Ravan was humiliated.

But when Narad Muni told Arjun about powers of Parshuram then he becomes scared and attacks Parshuram with his entire 100 Akshohini Sena.

Initially Bhagwan Parshuram was shocked but he with his divine Vijay Dhanush destroy the ranks of Arjuna army and killed many commanders in front of Arjuna. Arjun becomes scared and he himself enter the battlefield two fight Bhagwan Parshuram and their dual was very much powerful and was dominated either by Arjun or Parshuram.

They battle with many celestial weapons from Agneyastra to Brahmashira Astra.

Arjun uses his Maha Agneyastra which he got from sage Agnivesha himself. Lord Parshuram counter this Astra with his varunastra

Then Arjun uses his Parvat Astra which lord Parshuram counter with his normal arrows.

Then Lord Parshuram uses vishvamitra baan which made Arjun unconscious and he was taken away from the battlefield after that Lord Parshuram fight other commands of Arjun and killed almost 100 Akshohini Sena.

Arjun returns to the battlefield with his more powers and uses Brahmashira Astra on Lord Parshuram.

Lord Parshuram counter his Astra with his vaishnavastra.

Arjun become very angry and he uses his Rudra Shakti which he got from Lord Mahadev on Lord Parshuram.

Lord Parshuram in respect of Lord Mahadev refused to counter this weapon and this Astra almost killed Lord Parshuram but unexpected happens Lord Mahadev with his Punya reinstated Lord Parshuram life and revoke the effect of Rudra Shakti used by Arjun.

After that Lord Parshuram uses his personal Bhargavastra to cut down 1000 arms of Arjun.

Bhargavastra cuts down 998 extra arms of Arjun and then he takes out his personal Sharanga Dhanush and invokes pashupathastra.

Arjun Became terrified and he took out a tree and throws it to towards Lord Parshuram but before that pashupatastra kills Arjun leading to the end of the life of a great king who became blinded with his ego and become atrocious.

After that what happens is everything we know in the absence of Lord Parshuram sons of Arjun who seeks vengeance kills his father Jamdagini and Bhagwan Parshuram mother Renuka beats her chest 21 times and took sati.

When Lord Parshuram got to know that he could not control himself took an oath to destroy kshatriya 21 times.

He got to know from Narad Muni that he is an avatar of Lord Vishnu and he is destined to kill all the oppressive kshatriyas and to reinforce order on earth

Later on Narad Muni told Prithvi Devi to give shelter to the innocent and honest kshatriyas until Lord Parshuram kills every oppressive kshatriyas 21 times.

Later on Lord Parshuram kills every arrogant and evil kshatriyas 21 times and made earth free from the oppressors and later on Parshuram gave entire Prithvi lok to Maharishi Kashyapa and Maharishi Kashyap reinstate honest ksatriyas who were in the shelter of Prithvi Devi.

On the other side......

Kritavirya Arjun regretted his unjust tyranny and wanted an another chance.

He implored his aradhya Lord Dattatreya and asks him to give him another chance

Lord Dattatreya smiles and said 'Tathatsu'

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