14 • Eight Letters 🏝️ Part One

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Chapter 14

Eight Letters


🖤 Part One 🖤

HI MY LOVELIES 🖤🫧 SURPRISEEE, I have a two parter to our mafia Andy 🤤🏝️ read carefully please we're jumping around a little bit in time.

But to clarify Andy and Y/n are up early to enjoy a day out in Hawaii, however this chapter starts off in the climax of this two parter chapter...

Love you guys, thank you for your patience and enjoy!!!!🏝️✨🏝️✨🏝️

"I never should've come here with him! What was I thinking!" You speak to yourself, lost in the Hawaiian jungle.

Stomping your feet in small patches of mud ruining your cute black and gray sneakers.

Stressed, aggravated and furious you roughly push away any stems holding leaves out of your way.


Andy's voice is a distant sound, Steve and Bucky were out here too. Looking for you, if you were with Steve he would've never let you leave since he can catch up to you in the matter of seconds.

"How could I be so stupid? To think he was actually falling for me, for me!" It's funny you're not really a big talker, especially with others around.

But whenever you're feeling frustrated, you tend to talk out loud or to Sunny–but he wasn't here, he was back in the hotel room.


In comes Steve's voice, worried for you and your safety in this big jungle with who knows how many animals and predators lived in this area.

Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to stomp angrily into a wild jungle to get away from Andy, but at the time you couldn't even look at him.

Everything was going so perfectly, last night in the shower was magical.

He was literally the equivalent to a disney prince last night. So patient with you, and giving you the reassurance you needed.

All that went crumbling down.

Burying your face in your hands, your feet burn from walking so much.

In a moment of clarity you take your sneakers off again, groaning in disgust at touching the mud on them with your palms, shaking them out you hope there isn't another one hidden in there somewhere.

You want Andy to suffer, maybe it'll be enough for him to open his eyes and realize you aren't some doll he can manipulate and control!

You are your own person.

Some rustling in the bushes towards your left, you flinch visibly as it continues to shake.

Taking a few steps backwards you think it wasn't the best decision to leave the tall blonde and brunette aka Steve and Bucky.

Since they're always armed.

"Andy...if that's you I don't want to see you!" You plant your foot down, angry that he found you so quickly, "I just need some space...actually I want a plane to send me back home."

The rustling gets louder, as your anxiety increases since the sun was setting and as the minute ticked down it was getting darker.

Blinking your eyes your heart rate takes off in a fast gallop as a tiger emerges from the green bushes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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