Chapter 2

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Addison was woken up very early the next morning. But, not by her alarm clock. She had her own personal alarm clock. Aka, Maisy.

"Good morning, baby girl." Addison greeted. "Ready for a walk?"

Maisy barked.

"Shh." Addison said as she changed out of her pajamas. "We don't want to wake up the rest of the house."

She grabbed Maisy's leash and took her outside.

After taking Maisy for a walk, Addison got ready for school. She changed into a flowered dress with ankle boots. She braided her hair and put some makeup on. The last thing she did was put on her cross locket necklace her mother had given her for her birthday one year.

When Addison walked into the kitchen, her mother was making chocolate chip pancakes as special first day of school breakfast

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When Addison walked into the kitchen, her mother was making chocolate chip pancakes as special first day of school breakfast.

"Morning Mom." She greeted.

"Good morning, Addy." Mary greeted. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good." Addison replied, filling Maisy's food dishes.

"Can I ask a favor of you?" Mary asked.

"Yes, I will look out for Sheldon." Addison answered. "I was already planning on it, anyway."

"Thank you." Mary said. "Are you riding with me or your father?" "

Julie's actually picking me up." Addison replied.

Just then, they heard a car honk.

"Invite her in for some pancakes." Mary said.

Julie Williamson was Addison's best friend. They had been friends their entire lives as they lived in the same neighborhood, just not as next door neighbors.

"Good morning, Mrs. Cooper." Julie greeted.

"Hello Julie." Mary returned the greeting. "How are your folks?"

"They're good." Julie said as she and Addison sat down to eat. Julie picked Maisy up and placed her in her lap. "I hear Sheldon's starting high school this year. I'm sure he's excited for that."

"He is." Mary said.

"Georgie, on the other hand, is not excited about Sheldon going to our high school." Addison joked.

Julie giggled. "And what do you think?" She asked.

"I don't have an issue with it." Addison said. "I think it's great."

They heard a commotion going on. Sheldon couldn't find his bow tie. Mary went to go help.

"We should probably get out of here before it gets too chaotic." Addison suggested.

Julie nodded in agreement. The two said goodbye to Maisy and headed out to Julie's car. Julie drove them to school.

Julie had gotten her driver's license over the summer. Addison didn't have hers yet, but had a learner's permit.

During lunch, Addison and Julie met up in the cafeteria. Because they were in separate grades, they really didn't have any classes together, so they only met up during lunches.

As she was getting her lunch, Addison noticed Sheldon sitting alone. And Georgie sitting with his friends. She walked over to Julie.

"Hey Jules." Addison greeted.

"Hey Addy." Julie returned.

"Jules." Addison started.

"We can go sit with Sheldon." Julie replied.

"You're the best!" Addison said.

The two headed over where Sheldon was and joined him.

"Hi Sheldon." Addison greeted.

"Addison. Julie." Sheldon greeted back. "What are you guy's doing over here?"

"Sitting with you." Julie answered.

"Why?" Sheldon asked.

"Because we want to." Addison replied. "How's your first day going so far?"

"I suppose it's going alright." Sheldon replied. "Aside from the fact that there's a lot of people not adhering to the dress code and school rules."

Addison had heard that Sheldon had been, unknowingly, questioning and undermining the teachers.

"Sheldon, I think it would be best if you didn't question the teachers all the time." Addison said. "It could get you in trouble."

"But, they're not adhering to the school rules." Sheldon said.

"Well, not all the school rules are so heavily enforced." Julie added to Addison's comment. "But, I wouldn't go making a big deal about it."

Sheldon looked unsure.

"Sheldon, we're trying to help you." Addison said. "Just take our advice, please."

Sheldon nodded.

Later that evening, the family was sitting down to eat dinner. Including, Mary's mother, Connie, who lived across the street. She joined them for dinner some nights.

"So, how was school for everyone?" Connie asked.

Missy said her day was great. Georgie wasn't happy because kids were teasing him about Sheldon.

"Mine was good." Addison answered. "I made the golf team."

"That's great, honey." Mary said.

"Good job, Addy." George said.

Addison smiled.

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