Chapter 1

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Addison Cooper is the oldest child of Mary and George Cooper. She is sixteen years old. Being the oldest, Addison helps her parents with her siblings and does her best to stay out of trouble. But, she does have some problems of her own. Addison is anemic. She was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia when she was younger. She takes medication and vitamin and iron supplements every day. She also gets a blood transfusion every couple of weeks.

It was currently Sunday evening. The Cooper family was sitting at the dining table, eating dinner.

"Everyone excited for school tomorrow?" Mary asked.

"I am." Sheldon replied.

"Me too." Addison added.

Georgie and Missy were less than thrilled.

Even though Addison was sixteen, she was only a sophomore. Instead of a junior. Before and around the time she was diagnosed with anemia, Addison spent a lot of time missing school because she didn't feel well. She had to repeat a grade because of it and causing her to be a year behind the kids her age. But, Addison wasn't bothered by it. She knew it was something she couldn't control.

"I'm excited to try out for the golf team." Addison said.

Over the summer, Addison had asked her father to teach her to play golf so she could try out for the high school team.

"I'm sure you'll do great, sweetheart." Mary said.

"Why does Sheldon have to go to my high school?" Georgie asked.

Addison had three younger siblings. Georgie was fourteen and going to be a freshman. And she had twin siblings, Sheldon and Missy, who were nine. Missy was going into fourth grade, while Sheldon was super smart and was going to be a freshman like Georgie.

"All I know is that he's not in my class and I'm thrilled." Missy said.

"That's enough." Mary said.

Addison felt her dog, Maisy, at her feet. She gave her a small piece of her dinner. Maisy was a recent birthday gift from her parents. It took some convincing from Sheldon and he still didn't go near her.

After dinner, Addison let Maisy outside to do her business before bed.

As she was getting ready for bed, Addison grabbed a small envelope and knocked her parent's door.

"Come in." She heard. Addison walked into the room.

"Hey baby, do you need something?" Mary asked.

"Here." Addison said, handing them the envelope.

"What is it?" George asked.

"What I've made at my job over the summer." Addison answered. She worked at the local bowling alley.

"Is there a reason you're giving it to us?" George asked.

"It's to help with my medical bills."

"Addison, that's not something you have to worry about." George said.

"I over heard you talking about money earlier. I know my medical bills are really expensive." Addison continued. "I want to help."

"Addy, your father and I are very proud of how responsible you are with taking care of your dog, working a job, and helping with your siblings. And we appreciate you wanting to help." Mary started.

"But, your medical bills is something that you don't have to worry about." George finished. "We'll take care of it."

Addison nodded and started to head out of the room, but her mother stopped her.

"Addy?" She said. "You aren't upset or bothered by the fact that you're a year behind everyone your age, are you?" Mary asked.

"No, it's not a big deal." Addison answered. "It's not something that we can control. It is what it is."

Mary nodded.

"Good night." Addison said.

"Night, sweetheart." George said.

Addison headed back to her room.

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