Teammates&Best friends-Kyra Cooney-Cross×Alessia Russo

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Kyra Cooney-Cross and Alessia Russo had been roommates for just a few months, but it felt like they'd known each other forever. Their shared apartment, tucked away in the heart of London, had quickly become a sanctuary away from the chaos of professional football. On the field, they were fierce competitors, relentless in their pursuit of victory. Off the field, they were inseparable-two halves of a whole.

It all started when they both signed with the same club, unexpectedly being thrown together. Kyra, the Australian midfielder with a sharp mind and quick feet, was as competitive off the field as on. Alessia, the English forward known for her finishing finesse, had a quiet confidence and infectious laugh that made everyone feel at ease. Their personalities complemented each other in ways they hadn't anticipated.

Tonight, the two of them were sprawled out on the couch after a particularly grueling training session. Kyra had her head resting on the armrest, legs stretched out across Alessia's lap, as they watched a replay of their last match.

"Alright, I know I said it before, but you could've squared it to me here," Kyra teased, pointing at the screen where Alessia had opted for a shot over a pass.

Alessia shot her a playful glare, pausing the video. "And miss out on that finish? No way. Besides, you owe me after I set you up for your screamer last week." She smirked, knowing she had Kyra on that one.

"Fair enough." Kyra laughed, conceding as she sat up. "But next time, don't forget who makes those chances for you."

They exchanged a grin, the kind that only the best of friends could understand. Their friendship went beyond the tactical nuances of the game-it was the kind built through long road trips, late-night talks, and shared ambitions.

It wasn't always easy, though. They both had aspirations, both wanted to be the best. But instead of letting their ambitions create friction, they fueled each other. When one felt down, the other pulled them up. When one scored, it was like both of them had won. Their bond was built on mutual respect and the quiet understanding that each needed the other to become better.

Later that night, as the game highlights faded into the background, they sat at the dining table, having an impromptu dinner of pasta. Alessia twirled her fork and looked up at Kyra.

"Do you ever think about what happens after all this?" she asked, her voice uncharacteristically soft.

Kyra tilted her head. "You mean after football?"

"Yeah," Alessia replied, her gaze thoughtful. "It's all we've known for so long. I just wonder what it'll be like when we're not playing anymore. When the world isn't watching."

Kyra considered it for a moment. It was a rare conversation, especially between two people so dedicated to their sport. "I don't know. But I think we'll figure it out together."

Alessia smiled at that, her earlier tension easing. "Yeah, I think you're right. Wherever we go, I'm just glad we're in it together."

They clinked their glasses of water in a mock toast, laughing at the simplicity of the moment.

As they cleaned up, their minds drifted back to the game, to the next training session, and to the future they were crafting, both on and off the pitch. No matter where their careers took them, one thing was certain: as long as they had each other, they would be just fine.

Best friends. Teammates. Roommates. Kyra and Alessia-two sides of the same coin, always pushing each other forward. Always together.

AN-This is my first time writing, sorry if it's bad.

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