Chapter 9

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Robert PoV

"Hey Megan is it" I ask politely
She looks at me quizzically then answers slowly "yes that's me why"
"Don't you remember me" I asked a bit hurt because for some reason I really wanted her to
"Oh yeah you were asking me if I needed a ride the other week" she blurts out her face easing with realization as she speaks. I give her a small smile and ask her if anyone is sitting in the desk next to her she shakes her head no so I take a sit in the empty chair.
"So you like it here so far " I ask attempting to engross her in a conversation and it works because she quickly responds "it's okay I guess apart from the people having staring problems and some girl that believes shes the queen of West High yet I can't even remember her name" she answers I laugh solemnly before I change the subject "do I have staring problems "
"I'm not answering that"
"Why not"
She sighs before answering "what do you want with me like what's your motive" . I frown at the question then answer with a question as well "I'm sorry what do you mean by that"
"i'm just asking what you want with me because honestly this is like your second time trying to start a conversation , just so you know I don't offer sex" she states bluntly
I have to say I'm slightly offended that she would think that of me "really wow all I wanted to do was get to know you, and why maybe because I find you attractive and in the real world that's what a guy does when he finds a girl attractive he tries to get to know her " I state out of both annoyance and anger how could she judge me like that right off the bat. I slowly get up to walk away but she touches my arm softly which causes me to stop my movement I look at her and see apology in her eyes she was sorry it was genuine.

Megan PoV

I felt really bad for jumping to conclusions about Robert because really he seemed like a sweet guy I just wasn't used to guys talking to me as much as he did I automatically assume he had a motive but looking at him and seeing how hurt and upset he looked when I explained how I felt about him I could tell he was genuinely feeling me or I don't know trying to get to know me as he says he was being kind so before he got up and walked away I swallowed my pride which took everything in me . I stopped him looked at him apologetically and said "I'm sorry Robert please stay I enjoy your company" which was hard for me to say even tho it was the truth , he was cute ,kind,seemed nice and he was interested in me which was a plus.
He helped me on my algebra 3 homework and we talked for what seemed forever since I got to know so much about him he was such a gentleman even behind those looks he was a sweet heart. When the bell rang he began walking me to my 3rd period which was English4 AP gosh I hate that class " it was so nice talking to you and kinda getting to know you" he says as we stop in front of my class "I did to " I say smiling I don't know why I'm behaving like this , it's not me. He   Looks at me for a while before asking me for a hug  I hug him without thinking about it and he's so warm and he smells extremely good . I pull away slowly not trying to be weird we say our goodbyes and I feel a pair of eyes grilling a whole into my back , goodness for Christ sake can I go thr- my thoughts are stopped when I see who's staring at me its Mr.staring problems or Richard watever he calls himself and he's staring really hard , he doesn't even turn away when our eyes meet, I sense a bit of irritation by the way he looks but before I can guess what he's irritated about he quickly turns away.

Richards PoV

I don't know what's wrong with me but for some reason seeing her that close to Robert pissed me off it made me feel , see that's the thing I don't know how it made me feel, but what I do know us that I'm extremely mad because of seeing that shit "uggghh" I accidentally let out . "I'm sorry but Richard did you say something " Ms Wings looks at me awkwardly I roll my eyes and lay my head on my arms I'm sick to my stomach , because that image of her hugging him keeps playing in my head , I can't take this. The bell rings and wakes me up from my self torture I sigh and slowly get up .

I walk into the locker room still upset but in a better mood , because football is life I smile at Khalil while greeting him ,and he does the same , I turn around and see Kyle walking in looking upset and I'm worried now because this is the second time in the roll he's walked in with this depressing mood I hate seeing him like this he's like a brother to me "hey Kyle wats up with you man" I ask with a worry look. He doesn't answer immediately ,instead he looks down before saying " she cheated on me" I'm wide eyed from the shock then I ask "what did you say" just to be sure I heard him right the first time " I said that slut cheated on me with her Thot ass" now I just stay quiet because I don't know what to say , I'm honestly surprised because Kyle and Natalie have dated since freshmen year and even people who didn't know them could tell that girl was Kyle's world , I honestly don't know what to think of Natalie right now. I start to say something but go against it because I know Kyle he doesn't like talking to much when he's mad and right now boy was he mad. I just let him finish talking "I mean I suspected earlier that she was sleeping with someone else but I was in denial because I diddnt want to believe but the signs were there" he says this and I can hear his pain his eyes are shiny and I can see he's trying hard not to cry "man look at it this way she's out of your life for a reason , God has something and someone better for you , her true colors are out . You don't have to go through that shut no more man" I say hitting his back in a comforting way he gets up and hugs me in a brotherly way before thanking me and going back to what he was doing. I turn around and my mood shifts when I see Robert walk his ass into the locker room smiling like he won a lottery or something , and he walks over to me and Kyle while Khalil makes his way back in . They start talking about their day and I Zone him out putting my things up "bro I told y'all man I'm gonna make her mine just watch" Robert says causing me turn around so fast I almost get whiplash "who you talking about " I ask hoping he's talking about one of his many hoes "Megan" he answer It takes everything in me not to cus this boy out and punch the living shit out of him . I'm give a fake smile instead and head out starting practice but the whole time I'm distracted .

At the lunch table he starts talking about the situation again , and I'm just so fed up "can you shut the fuck up" I say out loud with annoyance ,
"who the hell are you talking to " Robert shouts back getting standing up I look at him like he's lost his damn mind before I get up too
"why you standing up like you wanna do something " I say glaring at him hard my voice loud and harsh "what's your problem man you been acting like this all day" he states
"Your my god damn problem , your so annoying always talking about the same chick every single day"
"Maybe because I really like this girl , when you first started gushing over chastity nobody had a problem nobody and now you wanna act a fool , I can't believe you man , " he says looking hurt but I could care less "man get the fuck outta my face" I state coldly not feeling a bit of remorse . He shakes his head before saying "gladly" then walking off.
"What was that all about" chastity ask
"Nothing" I answer ignoring her gaze
Im sorry for the wait guys I been go through some personal things but I stayed up writing this hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to comment and vote 🙂(: Claria_k

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