New Chick part 1

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Richard PoV

"Bro you seen the new girl yet ,she look good as fuck I would definitely Tap that"

My bestfriend Khalil exclaimed from the side of me

"Not if I get her first tho she in my third period easy target"

My other friend Kyle from the foot ball team adds . the guys go on about her but eventually start to talking about some other shit , until Robert this boy i talk to sometimes on the football team interrupts ,"aye y'all seen the new chick she's bad" he says and the rest of the dumb knuckle heads agree

"Bro yall for real she ain't even all that " I add just to be bluntly honest she was Okay or average how ever you want to call it. All I know is my girl is and will always be the most gorgeous girl in this school to be truthful.

Speaking of the new girl I turn around and catch her little friend pointing towards me . I think her names Madison I went to middle school with her and that's pretty much all I can remember about her. I take a quick glance at newbie and catch her checking a me out.

Chasity PoV

"Do you think my boyfriend is cheating on me" I ask my girl Natalie

Because Richards been acting a little on edge and catching attitudes for no apparent reason like its annoying.

"Girl why you ask" Natalie responds answering my question with a question. "I don't know maybe cause he's acting out of character"

"Girl your over thinking things who in their right mind would possibly cheat on you I mean your the best thing that ever happened to him he would be a fool, but anyways enough of that you trynna turn up at club crush I heard that hoe is gonna be hella turnt " " yeah you right he probably just need a little space but hell yeah I don't even know why you asked you know me im all about that turn up"

*picture of Natalie

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