Chapter 4

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Megan's PoV

"Hey Ms Brooks "

My Mother and I were In the front office Waiting for my schedule when a girl with Long black curly hair that meet the middle of her back walked In She had a Light Caramel skin Tone that was almost close to Vanilla, she also had two dimples that were both pierced , she Wore a Black thin strapped crop top that hugged her upper body tightly that went with the pair of jeans that looked as if it were painted onto her thighs.

Her outfit made mines look so dull ,but i diddnt care wasnt like i was going to stay here that long .

"Megan Hendrix " The Lady at the Front desk that I believed name was Ms.Brooks according to the girl that walked in called out. My Mother and I got up walked towards the desk.

The lady handed me my schedule. "I guess my job is done here u don't need me for anything else right " My mother stated with urge In her voice. Which meant she was in a rush, "No that will be it she just needs to pick up her badge at the guidience office " Ms. Brooks responeded

After my mother left I made my way towards the guidience office . Picking up my badge and locker combination.

On my way towards my Locker I bumped into this brown skin girl with all black and red on she wore a MK backpack to match. "Woah watch w- " She stopped talking before she could finish, changing the subject she greeted me with a friendly introduction "Hi im Madison You must be new Whats -"She started before i kindly interjected i diddnt want her to get the wrong Impression i diddnt come here to make Friends. "Yeah i gotta get to my locker im gonna be late"

"Let me help you" she responded ughhhh this was gonna be a long annoying day with this chick breathing down my neck. "Let me see your shcedule " she said snatching my shit out my hand lord this girl was so wierd i barely know her. "Ooooooh yayyyyy we got three classes together " she beamed jumping up and down.We walked to First period together which was Theatre Arts.

Richard's PoV

I walked into my First period class Mr. Gurgles my Theatre Arts Teacher looked at me with an expecting look "where's your Tardy pass " I looked in my backpack and acted as if I was actually looking. "Just have a seat but next time have it ready "

I walked towards my seat in the back of the class room.

"Okay class today we're talking about Shakespeare, how does or has his way of writing about love effect you guys way or point of view on the four letter word L-O-V-E ". Mr Gurgles questioned "anyone he added " after figuring No one was going to answer he changed the question up. "Okay how about this how do you guys feel about love "?

There was one arm raised In the air , it belonged to am unfamiliar face. I guess she was alright I couldn't really see her features from where I was sitting, "aH the new student okay go ahead" mr. Gurgles requested "I feel Love is Stupid especially if they tell you they love you it just sounds dumb". What the Fuck kinda chick is this "I completely disagree " I interjected . "And why is that Richard " Mr Gurgles stated he was getting a little excited now that more people were participating . "Well firt informose love is not stupid Because that's an adjective and love can't be described using adjetives, love has an essence and meaning it doesn't always have to be with couples think about it this way when you love someone you have No limit on What you would do for that one individual, you don't have to tell them you love them for them to know because the feeling will most likely be mutual ".. I answered "WOW Okay class I know exactly What to do we'll do a project on love this will be a test grade I'll assign you your partners tomorrow , have a nice day " he finished just as the bell rang dismissing us for our next class. As the girl got up I got a better look at her she was cute but definitely not my type she was way too classy and looked like the shy type that always front and complained about everything naww definitely not my type.

*PICTURES OF Chasity and Madison

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