Origins Part 2

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Previously on the Scarlet Spider


"I have experience, so I figure that the city could use another Spider-man."

"Aren't you a kid?"

"Where is Kraven?!"

"The young spider is Mine!"

"Is all of this just some kind of sick Joke?!"

"Turn yourself in and get your cult out of my city!"

"Kill me and this hunt of mine finishes. My men shall leave this city."

"The choice is yours to make..."

Flashback Continues

Y/N grips the spear tighter as he looks down at Kraven, processing the choice he was given. "Wh...what?"

Kraven snarls "Come on child! This is what you seek! To rid your city of my men. I have provided the means of doing so! All it takes is the blood of one man on your hands!"

Peter steps up "No Spider-man! This isn't what it means to be Spider-man. We may take down the criminals, but we have no right to judge them. We're not judge, jury, or executioner."

Kraven looks at Peter "He's right...they are not killers."

He then looks back at Y/N "But're different. I felt it in your strikes. The rage, the wrath that consumed you. You wanted to end me, didnt you?"

He uses his elbows to sit up further, having the tip of the spear make contact with his neck. Due to this, there is a small opening of blood on the man's neck as a single drizzle of blood runs down to his collar bone.

The man smiles "Your hunt is just starting. You have the strength, speed, but more importantly the rage of a beast. A beast that is far greater than me. Prove it!"

He grabs the spear and lowers it to the center of his chest "SHOW ME! SHOW MY MEN WHY YOU'RE MY FINAL HUNT! DON'T BE WEAK! BE LIKE ME!"

Y/N eyes widen in shock, his entire mind processing what he is hearing from the man. A chance to end all of this. To prevent further damage. To prevent further loss of life. And all he has to do is end Kraven.

End him and all this can be over.

End him and his parents may no longer be in danger because of him.

End him and no one else has to die.

Y/N lifts the spear over his head, intending following through, still hesitant however as his hands start to shake.


Y/N stops and turns to see Peter step up "I understand the anger that's going through you."

Peter clenches his fist "When I lost my aunt due to devil's breath, I felt nothing but rage. Hatred for the men responsible. I want to kill them! Make them pay for the lives lost during that pandemic."

"But getting revenge would not bring them back. And killing Kraven here, no matter how much the monster deserves it, will not fix the damages caused."

Kraven snarls at the older hero "You say such things that a coward would!"

Kraven looked back "Don't listen to him! You're stronger than him! Don't listen to his lies!"

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