Chapter 9

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Kyoka's heart pounded. Oh, no. Pushing aside the fact that Glitch had thrown himself under the bus here and needed an improv lie PRONTO, CC also wasn't meant to be here, judging by Glitch's reaction. 

Even worse, Kyoka was sure they were speaking the dimensional language- so unless anyone specifies a word from a language, no one can tell they're speaking it. 

To anyone, it feels like speaking in their usual tongue. Since CC speaks English, he would be so confused about the word sensei.

"Um, yes, he's our teacher," Denki said, confused, gesturing to Aizawa. 

"No, I know, but I thought sensei was a Japanese word? For, like, master or something?"

The whole class exchanged looks. Kyoka winced, and she didn't noticed CC peering closely at her.

"Hang on... You're that girl! From the photos! Why the heck did it take me so long to figure out? And you! You're also from the photos!"

"Me?" Izuku checked. "What photos?"

But CC wasn't listening. "And the murder board! What were you doing on the murder board? And you, and you, and you!" He pointed to Kirishima, Katsuki and Iida. "And wait..." He stilled. "Do you know anything about a 'heights alliance'?"

"It's the name of our dorm building," Todoroki said. "I thought its creation was all over the news?"

"CC," Aizawa said slowly. "How do you know about all this?"

"Ah," CC froze. "Um..."

"You didn't go into William's office, did you?" Aizawa smiled dangerously.

"The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law in the United States that grants American citizens the right to access records maintained by federal executive branch agencies. It requires the full or partial-"

"Okay, fine," Aizawa hissed. "But we figured if we told you, you'd come and mess with them!"

CC frowned. "And how exactly would I, quote unquote, mess with them?"

Mina nodded in earnest approval.

"It doesn't matter. Go back home, I'll tell you then. You're not meant to be here."

"You're not either! Technically, you don't belong in this di-"

Without any sort of warning, glitches came and seized the little boy, and when they cleared, he was gone.

"Ah, that'll be his mother," said Aizawa cheerfully, his hand behind his back. "She has a teleporting quirk." He brought his hand out. "Now, we'll just pretend that never happened." 

Kyoka studied Aizawa's face. It appeared tired, like always, but she could catch flashes of worry in the chinks of the armour. Worry for what?

Were the Aftons and Emilys after them to hurt them... or just to reunite with lost loved ones?

** EXTRA BIT (coz I feel y'all deserve more than that measly chapter after that long wait) **

Shoto frowned. All that nonsense with Aizawa's 'nephew' was extremely suspicious. He may think he's tricked the class, but Shoto's internal cogs were turning.

If CC's mum didn't have a teleporting quirk, why didn't he? Of course, his father, most likely the William mentioned before, probably has that Dead quirk too. But that would mean CC would have inherited nothing from his mother.

Along with that, three of the most notable things were the 'photos', the 'murder board' and 'sensei'.

Firstly, what do Kyoka and Izuku have in common? Shoto could literally not think of a single thing. It could be possible there was some link he wasn't aware of, or that they were just picked at random.

But the murder board- murder boards were used to investigate something. Actually, both Kyoka and Izuku were on the murder board, along with Kirishima, Katsuki and Iida.

Kyoka was the only female. Was that important? And they were all friendly towards each other, though that was true of all of class 1-A. 

Finally, the 'sensei' shenanigan. CC was confused about its use yet was speaking Japanese... right? He acted as if he didn't know its meaning fully, and it was a word from a foreign language.

Turning back to Kyoka and Izuku, Shoto remembered Kyoka dragging Izuku off to talk privately at the picnic. Plus, those glances at each other in class before CC made an appearance. They weren't as discreet as they thought.

Something's going on with those two, and Shoto's going to do anything he can to figure it out.

Izuku Afton - Secrets (1)Where stories live. Discover now