𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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Harry woke up the next morning, feeling groggy. He headed to the bathroom he shares with Neville, looking in the mirror. He was handsome, a spitting image of his father. He had gained some weight after maintaining a healthy diet, his muscles were very noticeable. It wasn't a suprise he was physically fit after he's been put in life threatening situations every year. His black, unruly hair hiding his lighting bolt scar.

He hated his eyes, they were the same color as the killing curse that killed Cedric, that killed his parents. It may be the only physical attribute he inherited from his mother, but he hated them. His jawline was sharp and chiseled.

He slowly washed his face, before throwing on his hogwarts robes. He checked his phone, oh. He forgot to reply to Dudley. It was strange, Dudley had not only replied to him but was.. nice? The boy- no, man had changed. When Dudley had left overseas to America to attend a muggleborn college. Where he got engaged to a French student named Aimé Fournier. Their wedding was set for next December 26th and their engagement party was set to be in the summer of this year.

Harry had gotten an invite to go but he wasn't sure if it was safe, especially since Voldemort was back. Honestly, Hadrian was tired of "The dark lord is coming after him!" Why couldn't Voldemort and Dumbledore kiss and make up? Why was he dragged into their quirrel?

He told himself, this was the year he would put an end to it all, Dumbledore's control, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny's antics, and most of all, Voldemort.

He finished getting ready for the day, charming all of his books needed for the day and shoving them in his pocket.

When he arrived at breakfast, Professor Mcgonagall was handing timetables to all of the students. He grimaced as he spotted Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Hermione waved him down, giving him no choice but to head towards them.

As Harry sat down next to Hermione, Mcgonagall handed him his timetable, before he could even see it Hermione swiped it out of his hand.

"What?!" Hermione shriek, gaining the attention of others around them. "Harry, you- you're taking NEWTS potions?!"

"..yeah?" Was it such a suprise he had gotten an O in almost every single class?

Ron, Ginny, and Hermione gaped at him, "How are you even going to pass that class?! Slughorn must be crazy accepting you in his class! Luckily you have me though. Hermione said, smugly.

Harry ignored her, looking up at the faculty table, seeing Fleur looking quite uncomfortable as Slughorn talked her head off. Probably flaunting his connections.

He finally got his timetable, ignoring Hermione's complaining.

7-9 A.M. Breakfast
9-10:30 A.M. Charms N.E.W.T
11:40-1 P.M. Herbology
1-2 P.M. Lunch
2-3:30 P.M. Arithmacy
3:45-4:30 P.M. Ancient Studies
4:30-6:15 P.M. Dinner

7-9 A.M. Breakfast
9-10:30 A.M. DADA N.E.W.T
10:45-11:30 A.M. Arithmacy
11:40-1 P.M. Charms N.E.W.T
1-2 P.M. Lunch
2-3:30 P.M. Free Period
3:45-4:30 Ancient Studies
4:30-6:15 Dinner

7-9 A.M. Breakfast
9-10:30 A.M. Potions N.E.W.T
10:45-11:30 A.M. CoMC N.E.W.T
11:40-1 P.M. DADA N.E.W.T
1-2 P.M. Lunch
2-2:45 P.M. Transfiguration N.E.W.T (One on One class)
2:45-3:30 P.M. Free Period
3:45-4:30 P.M. Alchemy
4:30-6:15 Dinner

7-9 A.M. Breakfast
9-10:30 A.M. Transfiguration N.E.W.T
10:45-11:30 A.M. Ancient Studies
11:40-1 P.M. Potions
1-2 P.M. Lunch
2-3:30 P.M. Alchemy
3:45-4:30 P.M. Ancient Runes
4:30-6:15 P.M. Dinner

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