Alive (Roach x Gender Neutral Reader)

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Pairing: Roach x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Heavy implications to PTSD, graphic depictions of injuries, fear of losing a loved one, military setting, ex-military reader

Pain tears through your shoulder. The bullets send you tumbling back into the wall behind you. You scramble to lift your gun, trying to ignore the searing pain that shoots through your shoulder with the action. More tear through your unprotected legs. You can feel the impact of more hitting your vest and it knocks the breath from your lungs, your gun clattering to the floor. A final bullet hits your knee and it knocks you to the ground.

Any attempt to scramble to your feet is halted as something rams into your cheek. Pain shoots through your face and you instinctively reach to cover the area.

A boot collides with your chest. Sends you sprawling across the floor and you finally meet your enemy's eyes. His gun hits the ground with a clack. Out of bullets.

It doesn't stop him as he moves to straddle you, the knife he pulled out glinting in the full light of the room. Adrenaline pumped through you as you tried to fight him off.

You can't count how many times you were cut or stabbed. All that was going through your head was that you were not going to die today. He has the same thing running through his head. One of you would make it out alive.

You feel the scream tear through your throat before you feel the knife pierce your vest and dig under your right clavicle.


It was late. Or early if you thought about it. The blinking light of a your bedside clock read 0200. It was dark in the room save for the small slivers of moonlight that found its way through the blinds.

Normally, the silence of your home would be comforting. The darkness welcomed.

Not tonight. Tonight, you were running your hands along the wall in a panic as you tried to find the light switch. It was rare for you to have nightmares. Even more rare for you to have one as extreme as the one you did tonight. It's a miracle all that considering.

Your heart thrummed in your chest, your breathing ragged as sweat beads at your forehead. You almost cried with relief as the room lit up. Your eyes swept the living room and kitchen. A sigh left your lips as you crashed onto the couch.

Alone. You were alone.

You took a shuddering breath, running your hand over your face as you stared down at your feet. Of course you were alone. You'd been discharged almost a year ago.

Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to calm your racing heartbeat. It took you a long while to finally calm down, the throbbing in your head and chest finally dulling.

You laid down on the couch, pulling one of the blankets over your body. Maybe you could get a couple more hours of sleep before you had to get up. You turned the tv on for some background noise before closing your eyes and letting out a deep breath. It was going to be a long night.

Light poured through your curtains, disrupting you from your slumber. You groaned as you rolled onto your side, trying to block out some of the light with your arm in an attempt to fall back asleep.

You were just on the brink when the sound of your doorbell startled you awake. Who would be ringing your doorbell at this hour?

You check the time and your shoulders drop in realization. 1200.

A sigh leaves your mouth as you get up, stretching as you head towards the door. You can make out the shape of someone through the frosted glass, waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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