Chapter 3

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The sun was just starting to rise as Kamryn wandered outside, stretching and breathing in the crisp morning air. It was peaceful, the quiet still hanging in the air as the world slowly woke up. The early morning chill was a welcome change from the swamp they had trudged through the day before.

Inside, Sebastian was busy making breakfast—or rather, trying not to burn it this time. Kamryn chuckled to himself as he imagined Sebastian muttering curses under his breath while the toast turned black. He'd grown used to this new rhythm of life: a bit of potion talk, burnt meals, and quiet mornings. It almost felt... normal.

Kamryn leaned against the doorframe, watching the first rays of light streak across the sky. Tomorrow, they'd be off to face Hellfire, but today, it was all about preparation and calm. He was actually looking forward to it. Maybe they'd even get through breakfast without anything going up in flames.

"Kam, breakfast is—" Sebastian started, poking his head out the door, but before he could finish, his eyes darted around frantically.

Kamryn frowned. "What? Did you burn the toast again?"

Sebastian didn't answer. He turned back toward the house, calling out in a high-pitched voice, "Kuuru?"

Kamryn crossed his arms. "Relax. He's probably hiding in one of your potion cabinets again."

Sebastian didn't look convinced. "No... he's not in there. He's always right here in the morning."

Kamryn raised an eyebrow. "Seb, he's a cat. Cats do whatever they want."

"No, Kam, you don't understand. He doesn't just wander off!" Sebastian's voice wavered, and Kamryn could see the panic building in his brother's eyes. "Kuuru's gone."

Kamryn blinked, unconcerned. "Dude, cats just do what they want. He'll walk in when he's ready—"

Sebastian spun around, eyes wide with panic. "Kamryn! If you don't help me find Kuuru, I'm NOT going with you on the quest!"

Kamryn's eyes widened. "Wait, what?!"

"I'm serious!" Sebastian's voice cracked, his panic rising. "I'm not leaving without him. He's my familiar, Kam! What if something happened to him?!"

Kamryn stared, dumbfounded for a moment before sighing. "Alright, alright! We'll find the damn cat."

He rubbed his temples, knowing there was no way Sebastian would calm down until Kuuru was found. His brother's stubbornness was legendary.

"Let's find that cat!" Kamryn yelled, the calm morning forgotten in an instant.

Sebastian bolted out of the house, already calling for Kuuru. Kamryn followed, muttering under his breath. "I swear, this is going to be the dumbest day..."

They started searching the area around the hut, with Sebastian practically frantic. He was calling Kuuru's name like the cat was going to respond any second. Kamryn, on the other hand, was walking at a more reasonable pace, scanning the bushes and trees, keeping his annoyance to himself. He didn't have time for this, but he knew it was pointless to argue.

"You think he wandered into the forest?" Kamryn asked, squinting toward the tree line.

Sebastian shook his head. "No way, he hates getting dirty. He probably just found a cozy spot and fell asleep."

Kamryn smirked. "So we're out here on a wild goose chase for a napping cat?"

Sebastian shot him a look. "It's not just a cat. He's important."

Kamryn sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

They continued their search, moving deeper into the trees. The quiet that Kamryn had enjoyed earlier was gone, replaced by the sound of Sebastian's increasingly frantic calls and the occasional rustling of leaves.

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