Chapter 4

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Morning light filtered into the small room, casting long shadows as Kamryn and Sebastian prepared for their journey. Sebastian was at his potion counter, fiddling with bottles and ingredients, his tongue slightly poking out in concentration. Kamryn, on the other hand, was arranging his assortment of weapons, making sure each one was in perfect condition.

"Alright," Sebastian said with a grin, holding up a shimmering bottle, "two saving grace potions, in case we get in a tight spot... and an invisibility potion, because—well, you know—being invisible is cool." He winked.

Kamryn glanced up from sharpening his sword, giving Sebastian a skeptical look. "You and your potions. Always thinkin' ahead."

"Well, one of us has to be the brains," Sebastian shot back playfully, then added with a grin, "Besides, would you rather be caught without a plan? Didn't think so."

Kamryn shook his head, letting out a small laugh as he rummaged through his gear bag. His hand landed on a sleek, dark scythe, which he casually pulled out and swung over his shoulder. "Also, I found this sick scythe I stole from some fox fr—"

Sebastian blinked, then raised his eyebrow dramatically. "Wait, what? You stole a scythe from a fox?! Like, an actual fox? Or are we talkin' some weird humanoid creature thing? Do I need to brew an apology potion for that too?"

Kamryn smirked. "Does it matter?"

Sebastian shrugged, dramatically clutching his chest. "Well, I guess not! But don't come crying to me when that fox hunts you down for revenge."

Kamryn chuckled, shaking his head again. "I'm not worried."

Sebastian took a sip of tea he had brewed earlier, but nearly spit it out in laughter. "Just picture it, bro—a scythe-wielding fox chasing you across dimensions. Now that's something I'd pay to see."

Kamryn rolled his eyes and turned back to his packing. "Focus, Seb. We've got bigger things to worry about than fox revenge."

Sebastian couldn't help himself, still grinning as he sealed up his potions. "True, true. But hey, at least if we get into trouble, we've got an invisibility potion, and I can just disappear while you deal with the fox."

Kamryn gave him a side-eye but smirked. "You'd bail on me that fast?"

"Nah, I'm kidding." Sebastian set down his potion bottles carefully, then glanced over at Kamryn's impressive arsenal of weapons. "Man, between your weapons and my potions, Hellfire won't stand a chance. I'm feeling good about this!"

Kamryn nodded, more serious now as he tightened a strap on his pack. "Yeah, we leave tomorrow. Let's hope we're ready."

Sebastian stood beside him, giving him a playful nudge. "Don't worry, bro. With my brains and your brawn, we're unstoppable. Plus, I've always got a potion for... pretty much everything."

Kamryn let out a quiet laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't blow us up."

"No promises," Sebastian said with a wink, before turning to check his potion stash one last time.

(this is meant to be somewhat short!)

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