Chapter 10

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Kamryn sat at the kitchen table, the soft morning light spilling through the window and illuminating the cluttered space around him. The comforting scent of freshly brewed tea filled the air, a welcome companion to the quiet of the hut. He absentmindedly twirled a spoon in his cup, lost in thought, while Kuuru lounged on the table, purring contentedly.

It was a rare moment of peace, especially after the whirlwind of events they had faced. He couldn't help but appreciate the tranquility, even if it felt a little strange without the usual chaos of his brother and Hellfire. The sounds of muffled laughter drifted down from upstairs, reminding him that Sebastian and Hellfire were likely in the midst of their own conversation, probably about potions or some peculiar adventure.

Kamryn rolled his eyes playfully. "Hope they're not planning something ridiculous," he muttered to himself, a smirk forming on his lips. It wasn't unusual for them to get carried away, and sometimes he wondered if Sebastian's fascination with Hellfire was influencing his decisions more than he realized.

As the minutes ticked by, Kamryn took a sip of his tea, savoring the warmth. He glanced at the door, half-expecting his brother to come bounding down any moment with some outlandish idea. Instead, the laughter continued, echoing through the walls, filling the space with an unmistakable energy.

Shaking his head, he tried to focus on the soothing atmosphere. He knew they had all been through a lot, and maybe a calm morning was just what they needed to recharge before whatever chaos awaited them next.

"Just a little more quiet," he said to Kuuru, who blinked lazily at him. "We could use it."

The tea warmed him from the inside out, and for a fleeting moment, Kamryn allowed himself to relax, embracing the serenity before the inevitable stir of activity began again.

Sebastian sat on the edge of his bed, tapping his fingers anxiously against his thigh. The remnants of Kamryn's warning about Glitch lingered in his mind, casting a shadow over the usually bright start to the day. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. What if they really encountered a being that could manipulate dimensions?

"Sebastian?" Hellfire's voice floated in from the doorway, her expression softer than usual. She leaned against the frame, her arms crossed, and her purple hair cascading over her shoulders. "You okay?"

He forced a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, just thinking about what Kam said yesterday. This whole 'Glitch' thing... It's kind of terrifying."

She stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. "You know, it's normal to be worried about stuff like this. But we've faced challenges before, right? Together?" Her tone was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to her usual demeanor.

Sebastian nodded, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I know, but this feels different. What if something goes wrong? What if we can't handle it?"

Hellfire walked over and perched herself beside him on the bed, her presence somehow calming. "Hey," she said softly, nudging him with her shoulder. "You're stronger than you think. And you're not alone in this. You've got me, and you've got Kam. We'll figure it out."

He looked at her, surprised by her sincerity. "Thanks, Hellfire. I appreciate it. I guess I just... I worry about everyone. Especially Kamryn."

She smirked lightly, her usual edge returning. "Just don't let him know you're worried about him. He'll never let you live it down."

Sebastian chuckled, the tension in his chest easing slightly. "You're right. I'll keep it to myself. But if anything happens, we're both going to look out for him."

"Of course," Hellfire replied, her expression softening once more. "We're a team. Just promise me you'll try not to stress too much, okay?"

"Deal," he said, feeling a bit more reassured. He couldn't help but feel grateful for her unexpected kindness, even if it was rare. As they sat together in comfortable silence, he found a flicker of hope amidst his worries.

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