How CaseyGabby's kids got their names

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November 22nd 2020 

Casey could barely stand straight as he looked at his wife, giving birth to their first child and he tried not to gag at the sight of all the blood. Blood was not something that usually grossed him out, he used to fight the Purple Dragons to the point they bled but for some reason, this kind of blood made him want to through up and pass out but his wife's strong grip on his hand was holding him steady. 

His wife, has beautiful ginger hair, just like April (Headcannon that Casey has a thing for redheads) but unlike April, her hair was wavy and she had beautiful forest green eyes. She was also very different from April, way more easy-going and fun-loving but tough as nails. 

He remembered when they first met, and how they talked about their dreams. She wanted to be a famous singer and he wanted to be a famous hockey player but...things just did not work out that way. Now, he is a coach for high school hockey players while she is a music teacher at the little school in Mutant Town. 

Though they were not famous or crazy rich like they dreamed, they were happy enough and they were soon going to be even happier. 

"Alright, Mrs.Jones, I see the head. Just one more push!" The doctor encouraged and after taking a few pants, Gabrielle pushed with all her might and then- "Waah!" 

"It's a boy!" The doctor announced, and Gabby all but grinned, happily as she held out her arms, anxiously, wanting to hold her son and the doctor, gladly handed the babe over to her. Gabby giggled as soon as he saw him, as tears ran down her face. "He looks just like you, Casey." 

And he did, like Casey, the babe was a boy with thick black hair and a freckled face but unlike Casey, he had green eyes like his mother. Casey just stared blankly, not saying a word and it was then that Gabby finally noticed how pale he looked. "Casey? Honey? Are you alright?" 

Casey did not answer, all the effort of trying to hold it together finally got the better of him and he soon fainted. "Casey! Oh my God!" Gabby gasped but the doctor just laughed. "Don't worry. He'll be fine. This thing happens all the time. Honestly, I'm surprised he was able to stay conscious as long as he did." 



Casey groaned as soon as he opened his eyes and he found himself laying on the extra cot the doctors had offered to him. He looked over to see his wife, with their son and his best friend and his girlfriend was there too, Raph and Mona. 

Raph being the first to notice him awake raised a brow and smirked. "Real father of the year there, Case. Fainting on your first day." Casey pouted as he sat up, rubbing his sore head then grumbled, "If you saw the things I saw, you would too." 

Raph scoffed, "Doubt it." 

Monalisa who was grinning as Gabby handed her the baby, looked at her boyfriend. "Raphael, look at him. I have never held a baby before. He is so cute." 

"Really? Never?" Casey asked with a raised brow. "They do not exactly allow babies in the military, Casey," Mona started to explain. "I mean, I have seen babies before but this is the first time I held one." 

"Well, maybe you and Raph will be able to hold your own as soon as he mans up and ask you the big question," Casey teased, grinning at Raph who growled and threw a pillow at him. "Shut up!" 

"Big question?" Monalisa questioned, confused and Raph blushed beat red. "U-Uh, n-nothing Mona!" Casey rolled his eyes. "Seriously, dude. You guys have been together for years now. When are you going to ask her to-" He got cut off when Raph slapped his hand over his mouth and gave him a death glare. "Shut up, Casey

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