Chapter 13 A Fight to the Death.

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 "So let's do some talking before we get to this." I said. "Okay. Let's talk." Zoey said in a girly voice. "Which one of your group members pushed Diana out of the building?" I asked her. She laughed. "Oh, none of the other members, I did. Being the second in charge, I have to take extra measures." Zoey said.  

I got angry, but I remained calm. I just want to walk over and chock her. "Who is Black Coat?" I asked her crunching my teeth together. "Oh, that's a secret. You know about secrets don't you. Keeping them, and spiling them. Yours. Well of course you keep yours the most. I had no clue, you liked Diana like that." Zoey said.  

"Who's the girl wearing the masks? Is that you to. Do you have three personalitys? Red Coat, Zoey, and Masked Girl?" I asked. She smiled. "No, No. I'm Zoey, and was Red Coat. No longer red coat since you guys Unmaksed me." Zoey said to me. She laughed.  

"I can tell your mad. Your clunching your teeth. Is it because Diana is going to die? Is it because you'll never have the chance to date her, kiss her, have her love you? Are you mad. I hope Diana dies faster. That would make my day. I hope when I kill you, she dies at the same time." Zoey said. 

I screamed, ran over and jumped on Zoey. I started punching her in the face. I was screaming and punching her. She kicked me in the back of the head and I fell off of her. She got up and kicked me in the side. I started to get up and she kicked me in the stomach. "I'm going to enjoy this." Zoey yelled as she kicked me.  

I fell to the ground. She picked her foot up and beat it down on my stomach. She laughed. "Diana didn't fell as much pain as you are right now." Zoey yelled me. I started to get up. Zoey grabbed me by the hair and got close to my face. "I'm so going to enjoy this." Zoey said. 

There was a glass cup on the table, I picked it up and smashed it off her face. Zoey fell back on the ground. I grabbed my stomach and started to get up. I started coughing. I looked over at Zoey and her forehead was bleeding. I got up to my feet and walked over to Zoey.  

I was standing at the end of her feet. I kicked her feet. She didn't move. I started walking towards her upper body, when she tripped me. I fell on my back. The impact of that hit made me out of breath. Zoey got up on her feet. "Do you think a little blood and glass bottle to the head hurts me." She said laughing hard.  

She walked over to a book shelf and ripped off a board. I was getting back up when she cracked it over my back. I fell back to ground. "I wonder if Diana can fell all your pain." Zoey said to me. She walked into the dinning room and into the kitchen.  

I got up and she was in the dinning room coming back when I ran to her and speared her onto the dinning room table collapsing. That hurt a lot more then I thought it was going to. I rolled off of her and just layed there. She rolled off the talble and started to get up.  

I had weakened her a little bit through doing that. She got up all the way, and looked above her. She removed al ight bulb from the ceiling. It was one of the light bulbs that go in tanning beds. I got up and she smashed the light bulb across my face. I fell to my knees.  

She bent down and picked up the knife the knife she had in her hand before we broke the table. She got up all the way. I managed to get back to my feet. She put both hands on the knife and lifted it up in the air. Her hads came flying down, and I caught them. We faught for a couple of minutes. She kicked me in the stomach, but I didn't let go of her hands. 

We kept struggling over the knife. She kept kicking me in the stomach, but I wasn't letting go. She finally managed to push me onto the ground and fell with me, she screamed, the knife piercing her in the right lung. She stayed on top of me, the knife pushing firther into her.  

She opened her mouth and blood came out. "I-I guess you won, you might have one the battle, but you won't win the war. I promise that." Zoey said. Her head started falling a little bit, then her hands fell, following her head. I pushed her off my body. I got up and started to walk outside. The house was in need of a major make over now. 

I got into my car and started driving back to town. I need to see what Lisa was doing. I started entering town. A little bit of lights. People walking. I was no longer in the middle of nowhere, until my head dropped and I crashed into a building. After that I heard sirens. Lots of them.

Masked, Lies, and Stealthy- The Lies Series. Part 4Where stories live. Discover now