Nine: A Tainted Chance

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A week had passed since Y/N last saw Yoongi

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A week had passed since Y/N last saw Yoongi. The weight of their unresolved relationship hung over her like a cloud, ever-present, though she tried to distract herself with work, walks, and the occasional text exchange with Jin. She had told herself she needed more time to think, to figure out what she truly wanted. But time wasn't making things easier; it was only deepening her confusion.

One evening, as she sat on the bed of her hotel room, scrolling absentmindedly through her phone, there was a knock at the door. She wasn't expecting anyone, so her brow furrowed as she stood and made her way to the door. When she opened it, she was met with Yoongi, standing there with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Yoongi..." she whispered, her voice catching in her throat. He looked different somehow—softer, more vulnerable than she had seen him in months.

"Hey," he said quietly, his gaze searching hers. "I know this is unexpected, but I couldn't keep waiting. I needed to see you."

Y/N stepped aside, allowing him to come in, her emotions swirling in a storm of uncertainty. He placed the flowers on the small table in the corner and turned to her, his eyes full of an earnestness that tugged at her heart.

"I know I messed up," Yoongi began, running a hand through his hair. "I've been so caught up in work, in everything else, and I've been neglecting us. But I don't want to lose you, Y/N. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to fix this. To fix us."

She stood there, taking it all in. The Yoongi standing in front of her was different from the one who had been distant, the one who had poured more energy into his job than into their relationship. But could she trust this version of him? Could she believe that things would be different?

"I don't know, Yoongi," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I've been so hurt... I don't know if we can just go back to how things were."

"I don't want us to go back," he said quickly, stepping closer to her. "I want us to be better. I'll cut back on work, I'll be there for you, I promise. Please, just give me another chance."

Y/N's heart ached with the weight of his words. She had loved Yoongi for so long—four years of memories, of shared dreams and quiet moments. Could she really throw that all away? Or would giving him another chance just lead her down the same path of disappointment?

Her mind flickered to Jin, to the connection they had begun to form. But even with him, there had been hesitation. Despite the comfort he brought her, she had never fully crossed the line. Yet here Yoongi was, pouring his heart out to her, asking for forgiveness, for another shot at love.

"I don't want to give up on us either," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But things have to change, Yoongi."

He nodded fervently, relief flooding his face. "They will. I swear they will."

Before she could say anything more, Yoongi gently pulled her into his arms, and for the first time in weeks, she allowed herself to lean into him, to feel the familiar warmth of his embrace. And though her heart still held uncertainty, in that moment, she made her decision.

"I'll give us another chance," she murmured against his chest, her words tentative but sincere.


A week passed, and Y/N was back at the apartment she shared with Yoongi. He had kept true to his word, cutting back on work, spending more time at home, making her feel like a priority again. In some ways, it felt like they were healing, slowly but surely finding their way back to each other. But in other ways, the lingering doubts remained—silent but ever-present, lurking in the corners of her mind.

One evening, while Yoongi was in the shower, Y/N sat on the couch, flipping through a book she had been meaning to finish for months. The soft sound of his phone buzzing on the coffee table pulled her from the pages, and without thinking, she glanced at the screen.

It was a text message.

Her eyes froze on the name—his ex-girlfriend, Nari.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the screen, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach. She hadn't thought about Nari in a long time, but seeing her name now sent a wave of nausea crashing over her. Why would Nari be texting Yoongi?

Her fingers shook as she unlocked the phone, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she shouldn't invade his privacy like this, but something about it felt wrong. She needed to know.

The message was recent, from just a week ago.

Nari: I know you're trying to fix things with her, but what happened between us... it meant something to me. I miss you.

Y/N's blood ran cold. Her eyes widened, her mind struggling to process what she was reading. What happened between us? What was Mina talking about?

Her stomach twisted as she scrolled further, finding another message from a few days earlier.

Mina: I don't regret it. And I know you don't either, Yoongi. You don't have to pretend.

The room seemed to spin around her as the realization hit her like a punch to the gut. Yoongi had been with Mina. While he was trying to win her back, while he was making promises to fix things, he had been seeking comfort in his ex. And they had slept together.

Tears blurred her vision as she dropped the phone onto the couch, her hands shaking uncontrollably. She couldn't believe this was happening. Even though she had been finding comfort in Jin's presence, they had never crossed that line by sleeping together. But Yoongi—he had betrayed her in the worst way.

She felt her heart shatter, the pain unbearable. Every promise he had made, every word he had said about fixing things, about loving her, it was all tainted now.

The sound of the shower turning off snapped her back to the present, and she quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks, trying to compose herself before Yoongi emerged from the bathroom. But she knew there was no hiding from this. No pretending.

Her world had just come crashing down.

And now, she had to decide what to do next.

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