One: The Move

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The air was thick with the scent of fresh paint and new beginnings

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The air was thick with the scent of fresh paint and new beginnings. Y/N stood in the middle of the living room, boxes stacked around her, as Yoongi disappeared down the hallway with one of them. The new apartment felt foreign—strange, even. She wasn't sure if it was the echo of their voices bouncing off the empty walls or the heavy weight of expectation hovering between them. They had been together for four years, and this move was supposed to be the fresh start they needed, a way to patch up what had been slowly unraveling between them.

"Hey, this is the last one," Yoongi's voice broke her thoughts. He dropped the final box on the floor and wiped his brow. "You wanna unpack now or just relax for a bit?"

Y/N offered a small smile, still feeling the weight of their decision to move in together as if it were hanging in the air. "Let's relax for a bit. We've done enough today."

He nodded, already heading toward the couch, and Y/N found herself staring at his back, wondering when the distance had crept in. Was it her? Was it him? She shook her head, trying to push the thoughts away. This was their chance to fix things, and she wanted to believe it would work.

The sound of keys jingling outside the front door caught her attention. She glanced out the window, noticing a figure moving next door. The apartment's proximity to the neighbors was another thing she wasn't used to yet. In their old place, the nearest house was far enough away that she rarely saw the neighbors. But here, everything felt closer. Too close.

Yoongi stood, heading toward the kitchen, when a knock came at the door. Y/N was already moving toward it before he could respond, the sense of curiosity about who might be standing on the other side pulling her forward.

She opened the door, and there he was—tall, broad shoulders, a warm smile that somehow reached his eyes, and dark hair that framed his face perfectly. The man standing before her looked like he'd just stepped out of some romantic drama. And for a second, Y/N forgot how to speak.

"Hey," the man said, his voice smooth and welcoming. "I'm Seokjin, your next-door neighbor. Thought I'd come by and introduce myself. Need help with anything?"

There was something about the way he looked at her, a lightness in his gaze that made her heart flutter in her chest—a reaction she hadn't expected. Her throat went dry for a moment before she managed to reply.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," she said, stepping back so he could see Yoongi in the kitchen. "Thanks for offering, but we're almost done unpacking. Just getting settled."

Yoongi came to the door then, his usual quietness on display as he greeted Seokjin with a nod. "Thanks, man, but we're good."

Seokjin smiled, his gaze lingering on Y/N for a second longer than expected, but he turned his attention to Yoongi, offering a friendly handshake. "If you need anything, just knock. I'm right next door."

Y/N smiled, grateful for the warm welcome but acutely aware of how different Seokjin's presence felt compared to Yoongi's. She could feel the spark of something unfamiliar as Seokjin's eyes flicked back to hers for a brief moment before he left.

As the door closed behind him, Y/N's heart was still racing, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted—something she hadn't anticipated when she and Yoongi decided to make this move.

Yoongi returned to the kitchen, oblivious to the moment that had just passed. But Y/N? She could still feel the tingling under her skin, the sense that life had just thrown something unexpected her way.


Later that evening, the apartment was quieter than Y/N had expected. Yoongi was in the bedroom, setting up their new TV, but she could still feel that distance between them, like they were living in two different worlds. She absentmindedly unpacked some dishes in the kitchen, her mind wandering back to their brief interaction with Seokjin.

His smile had been so warm, so easy. And the way he looked at her, even if just for a second—it was something she hadn't felt in a long time. That sense of being truly noticed. She shook her head again, feeling a little guilty for letting her mind linger on it.

This move was supposed to be about fixing things with Yoongi. She had to focus on that.

Just as she was about to walk back to the living room, she heard something outside the window. Peeking through the curtains, she saw Seokjin standing on his balcony, looking out at the fading sunset. There was a peacefulness to him, a calm confidence in the way he held himself.

Without thinking, she stepped closer to the window, her eyes drawn to him. And then, as if sensing her gaze, Seokjin turned his head and met her eyes. The air between them seemed to thicken, and for a second, Y/N could have sworn her heart stopped.

He smiled, that same easy, warm smile. Y/N quickly pulled back from the window, her pulse racing. What was she doing?

She pressed her hand to her chest, trying to calm the strange fluttering in her heart. Maybe this move was about to complicate things in ways she hadn't expected.

The Next Door Neighbor (Seokjin x Reader ft Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now