New Students !

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Aizawa POV
I was on my way to teach those problem children when Hizashi hugged me from behind. "Hizashi what are you doing" I said. "We're dating remember" He whispered." But we chose to keep it secret"I whispered back. Hizashi quickly let go of Me and straightened himself up. "Sorry I forgot" He said rubbing the back of his neck. I walked away immediately, turning back to get a few glances of him

Time skip to when he entered class one a

Deku POV

Mr Aizawa walked in drawsy as always. "Good morning " the whole class echoed. " Today were going to have new students I will introduce them one by one" Mr Aizawa said. Murmurs immediately broke out everywhere. I think I was the only one uninterested, even Kacchan was interested in the new students. "Silence" Mr Aizawa said angrily, the whole class fell silent. " First is Eva Asua" Mr Aizawa shouted again. Wasn't Asua the name of the pro hero Vampira. She came in she looked emotionless and mean she sat at a table beside I just now noticed was empty. "Second, Eira Mau" he said his voice now firm. She came in also looking as mean she sat behind the new girl named Eva."Third and Fourth, Em and En Kiro" he said. " Are they really here, kero" Tsu said Excitedly. She rushed out of her seat hugged them and quickly then let them to the seats behind and beside her. " Ugh, Fifth is Liona Rimko" he said annoyed from the noise. She was tall built and looked too friendly. " And lastly.............. Katana Midoriya" He said unsure. Everyones eyes where on me, I was shocked, I quickly ran out of my seat to see my sister that I hadn't seen for 5 years except from talking over the phone, I quickly let her to the empty seat in behind me." Well, classes are cancelled today for you to get to know each other, tomorrow is Saturday, so no classes and yeah, quietly go to the dorms please and the new students names will be on their dorm doors" Mr Aizawa said and flopped into his sleeping bag on the floor. I turned to Katana immediately"Katana, What are you doing here" I said super excited. "Dad said it was high time I came back" Katana said warmly. Me and Katana talked and talked until we reached the doorms

At the dorms

Immediately we entered the door everyone sat in the living room part of the common room. Mina took control of Everybody. "Okay New Students, let's hear your names and quirk from first to the last of you guys who came in" she said enthusiasticly." My name is Eva Asua, Daughter of Pro hero Vampira. My quirk is All for All. It allows me to have any quirk in the world"she said. I carry my notebook out of my bag to write about I could tell Mina was pissed off at me but she didn't say anything. "My name is Eira Mau, my quick is Solnate, it allows me to render anyone useless for 30 minutes, I can trap 40 people at once" She said a little arrogantly. Wow these people's quirks are all so rare, I continue writing." My name is Em Kiro and I have two quirks, The first is acquisition, it helps me to do things right and see the end results of everything and anything I do and it gives me extreme fighting skills my second quirk is twin power it allows me to do anything and everything that is possible when I'm in my twin brother, we can also talk to each other through our minds"Em said her explanation making her out of breath."my name is En Kiro, and I have two quirks, one is ticking time bomb, it allows me to make any part of my body into a bomb and my body regenerate after the bomb is taken from it. The bomb is stronger depending on my anger". En said, he sounded like Bakugo but his voice was slower and calmer." My name is Leona Rimko and My quirk is telerip. I can break a person's connection with their inner thoughts and render them useless for 2 minutes" She said a little bit too friendly. All their quirks are so good I almost forgot my sister was right beside me." Uhm, IZUKUUUUU!". Katana shouted too bring me back to my senses."My name is Katana Midoriya and my quirk is Shape-shifting; basically I can transform into any animal I want to, but my favourite animal is a cat, I can also manipulate air and fire" she said sweetly as if she didn't scream my name a few seconds ago. "Okay, Everyone it's already late so the New Students should check out their rooms and Denki and Deku will make dinner" Mina said and immediately walking to Uraraka and Momo. Katana was looking for 'Deku'. I laughed, "Katana, Deku is me"I said." Why would they call u Deku of all things" she said a little loud. " I'll send you a text about it later". I said trying to calm her down. I quickly sat up and walked to the kitchen where Denki already was, I'd make Katana's Favorite, Kimchi.

Sorry but I'll end it here, it's already 900+ words and I normally only write 600. I'd like to give credit of the idea of Katana Midoriya too another Wattpad author but I can't remember the story I'll give him/her credit in the next update. Byeeeeee.
Word Count: 932

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