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Smut Warning!!!!!!!

Katana POV

It's been about an hour since Izuku left to cook, I've been looking up alternative meanings for Deku. I don't understand why tell call him Deku, Well he said he'll tell me later. I decide to watch cat videos on my phone. " Hi, Katana right" the pink girls with yellow eyes draws my attention. "My name's Mina Ashido, nice to meet you" she squeals. "Uhm....... Nice to meet you too, I guess" I say a awkwardly, back in the USA, no one liked me, it feels strange to have someone say that. " Um, well I wanted to offer, to take you to your dorm" She said, looking down at my phone." Oh My God, is that a solar cat, they actually have videos of it, I heard it was super rare" she said Excitedly, by the way solar cats are special cats that glow in the dark. "Yh, it is, I love them, their actually  my favorite cat to shapeshift into"I said warmly. I turn into a solar cat unknowingly and turn back in a few seconds, This always happens when I get excited. " OMG, your so cute, I think we're best friends already" she squeals. I chuckle slightly, shutting my phone off and stand up. " Lead the way then, Ashido". I say, bowing. " Awww, Your so cute, just like Deku" She says and starts walking. I follow behind. " Um Ashido, why do you guys call my bro, Deku" I said, pouting a bit. " First of all, call me Mina. Second of all, You see the one leading the new guy En, He came into this school calling Mido-kun Deku and  Mido-kun didn't seem to bother he even made it his hero name so we got used to calling him Deku,  so if you want more info then ask him, his names Bakugo Katsuki by the way" She said lightly. She was like a floating cloud. She made me feel nice inside but I don't think I heard what I heard right. " Did you say Katsuki !!!" I ask , shocked. "Yup" she answered back. I don't talk, I just wonder, Why just why would our childhood friend call him that , I'll just ask him later I say to myself. " Where here pretty girl" She said. "Thanks, Mina" I say bowing. "Oh, would you please stop the bowing, We're besties now" she chuckles. " And look our bedrooms are just beside  each other" she said, opening her door and closing it slowly. I swear, I just met her and I already know she's a big ball of joy and energy. I enter my room, it's walls white,floor sparkly grey and fairly spacious. I start to unpack my stuff,  I put my clothes in the closet first, as I'm unpacking I see my ex girlfriends hoodie, I quickly grab my fire tray and burn the hoddie to a crisp the smell fills the room. I bring out my scent candle and ignite it with my finger, the room smells better now. I put my black bedding on the bed and put my spider web wall paper with lotuses up. I change into my night wear which exposes my lotus tattoo on my shoulder. By the time I'm done with my room It looks fairly Emo, I hear a shout calling everyone for dinner unmistakably Izuku's voice.

Deku POV


My face is as red as a tomato but as dark as a pomegranate. Kacchan was walking to his seat at the dining table and grabbed my ass Then he slip something into my night wear. I look at him but his face is looking forward with a slight smirk on him. I run to the restroom and bring out the paper It says

Meet me in my room after dinner we need to talk 💥

I am probably about to faint. What does he want to talk about so late at night. I rushed back to the dining room and ate my dinner fast. I don't even give attention to my sister, who's thanking me for making her fav dish. The only thing I notice is that Kacchan and The new En guy are getting along really well. I mean they're quirks, voices and demeanor are the same but I'm still a little  bit jealous, I've had a crush on Kacchan for a long time now, but I've always been too scared to tell him, he probably hates me. I finished my dinner and head to my room, changing into my night wear. I look at my walls , their covered in all might posters. I had already changed my bedding to a dark green one, I start removing the posters one by one and then I put my them in a drawer. My walls are white with damaged plaster . I hear everyone go to their rooms and the light turns off. I straightened myself up and rush to the door. I turn the light off and rush to his bedroom door I open it and close the door behind me, locking it.

  The room is dark, I stretch to find the light switch but something is blocking me. I feel myself being pushed unto the bed and my shorts are being taken off, I shiver at the cold air. " Do you mind if I fuck you" A voice said, It's unmistakably Kacchan's I blush hard. " Kacchan is that y-you" I whisper. "Of course it is nerd, If I grab your sexy butt and stuff a note saying to meet me, doesn't that mean I wanna fuck you" He said angrily. " I don't mind if you f-fuck me" I stutter. I feel Kacchan smirk as his naked body glides on mine, taking of my shirt when he gets to my face he takes off my shirt completely. I blush hard I'm fully naked now and so is Kacchan. He smacks his lips on mine, giving a passionate kiss and making me moan and he takes the chance to slip his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance, but Kacchan obviously wins. He pulls away, a string of saliva connecting our tongues. He start biting my neck until he finds my sweet spot making me moan uncontrollably " K-Kacchaaaaaan " I moan. He gets up from on top of me and grabs some lube, rubbing it on him and sticking in me. " Ahhhh" I groan painfully, he gives me time too adjust " Continue" I said. "You now very well, I hate being ordered but okay" He growls. He start trusting into me slowly " mmmm~" I moan. He speed it up, thrusting faster and faster until he finds my prostate. He hits it multiple times making me moan harder and him more. He was just looking at me like he wants to see my moan. I pushed his face to my neck and he began to bit my neck, giving me hickeys.

Time Skip, An hour later

We're both on the bed, panting and tired. "Kacchan" I mutter. " Hm" He responds. " Are we a ............ thing now" I squeak nervously. He turns around and brings his hand to my cheek, His eyes looking at me intensely. I'm scared for a moment. " Of course, nerd" He said. He leans in an kisses me, then backs away. I smile and he smirked, I feel fireworks erupt in my stomach. " Can we keep it a secret for the time being, I'm not ready to tell everyone" I whisper. "Sure" He whispers back, kissing my head reassuringly. We both fall asleep in comfortable silence

Hi guys hope you liked this chapter. Please give feedback. And from now on I'll be posting chapters on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. And thanks for all the views on the story. I normally write a story of 600 words but this is 1000+, It's surely an improvement, right.
Word Count: 1317

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