Chapter 14

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"Are you sure your parents don't mind we spend Christmas with them"? I asked Paul for the tenth time.

We were invited to celebrate Christmas evening with them, but somehow I felt strange about celebrating this important day without Jess and Beth, or even their parents. Cheryl had insisted on us coming over, so here we are on this cold December night.

The forecast was snow, so we came with Paul's truck. I carried the self-made cake while Paul and Meadow carried the presents.

I had a black lace dress on, with thin straps on the shoulders and a floating skirt that reached above my knees. A dark red cardigan and same colored handbag matched my dark red hair that was pinned up and held in place with a white rose.

"You look absolutely gorgeous tonight; but do you think it's wise to wear high heels when snow is about to fall"? Paul asked, pulling me closer to him with his free arm.

I looked up at him and grinned. "Boots don't exactly fit underneath this dress, so high heels it is and besides, I don't care if it starts snowing; I like snow". I grinned at him.

Entering the house we were greeted by Paul's parents, his sibling and their partners. It was a busy household, full of love and joy.


At 12 o'clock we all gathered around the warm and cozy fireplace to open up the presents.

I received lots of gift cards and gave gift cards to the others.

Meadow gave me silver hoop earrings with fake diamonds. She had asked me what I wanted and I told her I needed new ones, but she could also choose a book, cause I loved to read.

Opening the box I smiled at her.

"Thank you sweetie, they're gorgeous". I said, pulling Meadow in a big hug.

Paul and I gave Meadow a card that said, she would get a whole new room, new furniture and a computer and printer of her own.

Of course she squealed the whole room together and hugged us both.

The next person to give a present to was Paul. A bit nervous I gave him his present, although it was not really a present, more an envelope.

"What could this be"? Paul said, taking the envelope and twirling it around in his hands.

"Maybe Ng finally realized what kind of man you are and she want to end it with a note"? Cody couldn't help and tease.

Felicia playfully hit him on the side of the head, while Paul stuck his tongue out.

"How did you guess"?! I asked shocked, causing Cody to lose his grin and Paul burst out laughing.

"She got you there for a second, bro". He laughed, together with the rest of the family.

Paul opened the envelope and gasped. "You didn't; how"?! He asked, looking at me.

"I overheard you talking about it to Jesse, Brandon and Vince. Then I called them, while you were away filming and they helped me get it and have it ready for use; it's in your garage. You happy"? I said, still feeling unsure.

"Of course I'm happy; I love you, come here"! Paul said, pulling me into his arms and kissing me deeply.

"What did Ng give you"?! Cody whined a bit, wanting to know what present I gave his brother.

Paul let me go, took the picture out of the envelope and turned it so everyone else could see it.

"Ng gave me the surfboard I planned on buying. The F1 Stub and a special camera to attach on the board so I can record my surfing". Paul said grinning madly.

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