Chapter 8

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The next day, on Saturday, I went to the Walker house, together with Paul and Meadow.

They said their condolences about my parents once we arrived. We talked about my trip and Paul's movie. Later the conversation went to Amie and the pregnancy. I apologized for not being there the Friday, when we had agreed to meet up, but she waved my apology away, saying the situation was under control.

A few hours later, when I left the bathroom, I was surprised to see Meadow waiting for me.

"Ng? Can I talk to you for a second"? She asked me.

"Sure, how 'bout we go upstairs"? I told her and she led the way.

Arriving in her room, she sat down and patted the spot next to her.

"What do you wonna talk about"? I asked her.

"Well... it's about Vanessa..." she started.

"Go on". I encouraged her.

"She asks me lots of questions about my dad and if he is still seeing Jasmine. I said no, and she seemed happy. Then I told her he was dating someone, for three months already and she seemed disappointed. She's nice to me and takes good care of me, but when dad's home, it seems she's more caring, than when he's away". Meadow said.

"Have you told your father about this"? I asked.

"Not yet, thought I would tell you first, you think I should"?

"Yeah, but just ask him if he noticed the same. If he says no, then say you probably just imagined it. Also start to write down, when and what she does when you two are alone while your dad's away filming and also how she reacts when he's home". I told her.

She smiled and agreed. Just then we heard a knock, Meadow said 'come in' and we saw Paul looking around the corner.

"There you two are, we were wondering where the two of you went to". He smiled.

"We were just having a talk". I said standing up.

"What about"? He asked, stepping further in the room.

"Dad"! Meadow said a bit annoyed.

"What? Can't I ask what the two women of my life are taking about"? Paul said, now standing in front of me, and looking from his daughter to me.

"Woman stuff, Meadow asked me what she could expect and when she's is going to get her monthly thing". I smiled, seeing the look on Paul's face.

"Ok, ok, I'm not gonna ask further". He said, holding his hands up and slowly stepping back, before leaving us alone.

"How did you know, dad didn't want to hear about a woman's monthly thing"? She asked, looking at me and smiling wildly.

"If you ever want a man of your back, start to talk about our monthly visit from Mother Nature; they will always back out". I grinned at her and slapped her hand, as she put hers up in a high five.

Walking back downstairs she told me, "Thank you for listening, Ng. Not only about Vanessa, but everything".

"Not a problem sweetie. If you ever want to talk, but you can't talk to your family, feel free to call me. Here give me your phone". I told her, she handed me her phone and stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I put my name and number in her contact list.

Giving the phone back, she hugged me.

"Sweetie, I want to ask you something, if you don't want to, it's ok but would you mind staying here tonight? I wonna plan something special with your dad". I asked her, before we were outside. It was one of the last days we would be able to eat outside, since it was almost the end of September.

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