Chapter 1

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It's today. This damned date. I know what they expect from me. I know what I must do. I know what today is. I didn't forget.

How could I?

How could I possibly forget the death of my beloved cousin when everyone is talking about it.

I couldn't.

What saved me happened exactly one year ago.

Death. What a beautiful word with a very dark meaning. So, bad things can look good after all.

I always wondered how it was to be dead. How it felt to feeling nothing or doing nothing. I don't anymore. Not after what happened last year.

Everyone is at the church, I am not. Why would I?

Now I wonder, why are people sad when someone has reached their dead? Or do they just seem sad, but really, do they just don't care like I do?

I wonder, wonder and wonder. Why would you be feeling unhappy about someone who is most likely happy in his own afterlife?

But I hope he burns in hell. I hope he dies again and again and again.

Someone is looking for me, or someones. I jerk when I hear someone shouting my name.

I wonder why people have names. Couldn't they just be numbered?


It's my mother.

It's my mother with blue eyes and blond hair. People do tell me I look like her. I do look like her. I have her blue eyes and my father's light brown hair. 

Why must I live with my mother? Baby birds do fly away when they are grown enough to fly. I am grown enough to fly. I am sixteen.


I hate my name.

I would be incredibly happy if my name was Jake or something.

NOT Julius Leonardo. It doesn't even rhyme.

"JULIUS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" my mother said. Well, yelled.

"I don't want to be there." I heard my mother sigh.

"Julius. Everyone there is searching for you. And you're here just sitting, doing I don't know what. While we are here for your cousin!" I don't know why she spitted your out like she hates me, but I am damn sure I am not returning to that liar's memorial. Liar isn't even enough to describe my burning hate for him. I look up at my mother and meet her eyes. I can feel the anger rising inside her.

"He is not only my cousin. Jane is there for him." Which I also don't understand. She hated him too.

"Julius. You will come with me now or you will face the consequences home. That's end of discussion."

End of discussion. That's what she always tells me when I get to the point she is going to explode. But consequences? She must be very unhappy with me.

"Okay I will come, if I may sit next to Mason."

"No" Yep. That's what I expected. She is my favorite cousin's sister. I always loved her more then I loved him. I never loved him. I hated him, which I already expressed thousands of times this year. My mother wouldn't listen to me when I told her what happened. She tells me that everything was very traumatic for Mason and that I shouldn't talk to her about my tales, like she thinks they are.

"Why not?" I asked. I already know why. But I had to make sure.

"Julius, we already talked about this-"

"Mother. You never listen when I try to  explain my reason to hate him. You always listen to Jane. Because Jane never lies. Jane always tells the truth. Jane is the daughter my parents always wanted. What am I then mom? Am I an orphan who just lives with you? I can't live with all those pressures. I just can't-"

"Julius, you are being over dramatic. We're going to the memorial now and you're not sitting next to Mason. Also, don't think I don't love you. Because I do. I always will. How could I not? You're my son." She says. "Let's go to the memorial now. Everyone is still searching for you." She thinks she got a point. She thinks I am convinced. But no, I'm not. And I also don't want to know what those consequences are.

"Alright, but don't expect me to pray for him or something. Because I won't."

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