Lizzie and Josie|17|

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WC: 1247

Hayley waited for a very exhausted Enna to wake up . When she did Hayley was waiting by with a change of clothes. Hayley led Enna back to Hope's dorm where she was immediately engulfed into a hug by Hope.

"How did it go? Are you okay?" Hope asked.

Enna nodded. "I'm fine thank you." Enna said with a small smile."How did it go with Landon?" Enna asked while wiggling her eyebrows and Hope chuckled while shaking her head.

"It went fine, we danced." Hope said.

"Nice." Enna said with a smile. "Tell me more." She said as she laid on the bed with Hope following.



"Why do you have to leave?" Enna asked Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus.

"I know but we can't stay here at you and Hope's school. We'll send your stuff over though and on breaks you guys can come home okay?" Hayley reassured Enna. The adults had to leave and Enna was not too pleased about it. They were currently saying their goodbyes outside the Salvatore schools doors.


"Hope will explain it to you." Hayley said. "We got you something." Hayley said with a smile as she pulled out a cell phone and Enna furrowed her eyebrows as Hayley placed it in her hands.

"It's a cell phone." Hope explained. "Don't worry I'll teach you how to use it." Hope told Enna who nodded. The phone started to ring as Hayley wanted to show her how to answer it. The sudden noise ended up startling her and she almost dropped it as everyone chuckled.

"Here look click the green.." Hayley demonstrated and put the phone against Enna's ear. "Hello" Hayley spoke into the phone and Enna's eyes went wide as she heard Hayley's voice coming from the phone.

"Hello?" She said.

"Then to hang up just click the red." Hope said and Enna did as such.

"Wow." Enna commented.

"You can do a bunch of other stuff too but this way we can talk if you need something okay?" Hayley said and Enna nodded. "Now remember, your name is Ella Marshall, I'm your mom and Hope's your sister okay?" Hayley asked and Enna nodded.

"I am Ella Marshall, you're my mom, and Hope's my sister." Enna repeated.

"Good. Now bye sweethearts." Hayley said as she hugged both Hope and Enna.

"Bye" Hope said.

"Goodbye." Enna said as she hugged Hayley tightly. "Goodbye Elijah." She said as she pulled away. "Goodbye..." she started as she got to Klaus. "I'm going to be completely honest I don't know your name. We were never properly introduced, Hayley and Freya call you Klaus. Rebekah and Kol call you Nik. Elijah calls you Niklaus. To be honest considering you tried to kill me twice I never really thought I'd have to learn it. Sorry." She apologized. Klaus winced at the reminder that he had tried to kill the girl who had helped them so much but chuckled when she finished.

"My full name is Niklaus but you can call me Nik for short." He said and Enna nodded.

"Okay, again, sorry. Goodbye Nik."

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