When I opened my eyes, a terrible ache ran across my temple. Sun was pouring through the windows, and the light caused my head to throb even more. A disgusting taste filled my dry mouth, and my bones felt like they were filled with led. It took all the strength I could gather to roll onto my side. A chill ran across my back, and goosebumps spread across my skin. My hand trembled as I brushed my fingers across my bare chest. Where were my clothes?
Memories of last night came back to me in fragmented pieces. I was upset and crying in the kitchen. I remembered the crushing weight in my chest as I struggled to speak or breathe. Miles was trying to hold me down, and I struggled to fight against him. He easily overpowered me as he dragged me upstairs. Why was I so upset?
I groaned as I buried my head into my hands, trying to protect myself from blinding sunlight. The last time Miles forced me to rest was because I was distraught about Briar's death. What happened this time? Why was I crying so much last night? Was I upset about Briar again? I managed to go months without crying about her death.
After dinner last night, I remember talking to Joseph. He had seemed so withdrawn for the past few days, and I hoped he would feel better. Most of the conversation was a faded and distorted memory, but one thing he said was vivid.
I cannot let this happen to you. I cannot let this happen to you or Jasper.
He brought me into this house to give me a family, and now he wanted to tear me away from my home. He wanted to take me away from my family. He made Miles sound like a monster, but that was not true. The crushing reality of losing everyone that I loved caused me to lose control of my emotions last night.
The room was silent. Was Jasper in his crib? Was he in the house? Did Joseph already take him away? If I would not leave, would he take my child? I could not lose another baby.
I gritted my teeth as I rolled myself onto my other side. I lowered my hands and squinted against the bright sunlight but could not see into the crib. My heart pounded harder, and I sucked in a deep breath. Panicking would not help me or Jasper. My arms were shaky as I pushed myself up so that I was sitting and tightened the blanket around my body. I needed to get to Jasper.
My knees wobbled as I pushed myself off the bed to stand. I only had the strength to drag my feet a few steps before collapsing onto the floor. I tightened my grip on the blanket to keep my naked body covered. No sound came from Jasper's crib. Had Joseph already taken him? I tried to crawl toward the crib, but my limbs were too heavy and I refused to let go of the blanket.
Footsteps creaked throughout the house before the bedroom door opened. I looked up to see Joseph walk into the room, and Jasper was in his arms. Dark circles were under Joseph's eyes, and stubble covered his jaw. I placed my hand on the floor and tried to push myself up, but I could not gather enough strength. My aching body remained a crumpled mess on the floor.
"Give me Jasper." I could barely recognize my voice. It was so hoarse and dry. "I need my baby."
Joseph sighed and stepped past me to place Jasper in the crib. Seeing my child out of his arms calmed some of the panic that was bubbling in my chest. If I started crying again, would they force me to be unconscious again? Would Joseph take my child when I could not fight to stop him? Why was he doing this?
Joseph grabbed my arms and hauled me onto my feet. I gritted my teeth as pain laced through my muscles. I tightened my grip on the blanket as he pushed me back to sit on the edge of the bed. He did not let go of my arm as he kneeled in front of me. I took in a sharp breath and lowered my gaze to my lap. I could not start crying again. They would cover my face with the rag again if I could not control myself. Luckily, strands of my hair fell like a curtain over my face to hide any tears that might escape.
"Maisie," Joseph said. Despite his tight grip on my arms, his voice was soft. "Tell me why we had to calm you down."
I squeezed my eyes shut and bit down on my lip. Was this a test? In the past, they had locked and unlocked the doors without telling to see if I would try to run away. Was this another way to evaluate my loyalty? Did they not know I loved my family?
My brain was still cloudy with exhaustion, and the questions running through my mind were making my skull ache even more. I rubbed my temple, which blocked my view of Joseph even more. One of his hands let go of my arm to grab my wrist to pull my hand away from my face.
"Maisie, tell me what you remember," Joseph said. His voice was still low. "Why were you upset last night?"
I slightly shook my head, but the movements caused lightning bolts of pain to shoot across my skull. Part of me wanted to lay on the bed and fall back asleep, but I could not afford to slip back into unconsciousness. I needed to make sure Jasper was alright.
Joseph let go of my wrist to grab my chin. He tilted my head up so that I was forced to stare at him. His brows were furrowed as he tried to read my pain expression.
"Tell me why you were upset," he said. "What do you remember?"
Why was he asking so many questions? When they forced me to be unconscious after Briar's death, they told me why they were doing it. Why was this time different? Was Joseph worried I would tell Miles about him wanting us to leave? Did he hope I would forget? All of these questions made my head hurt even more, making it difficult to keep my eyes open.
"Joseph," I said, my voice sounding like a moan. The exhaustion made it difficult to speak. "I am not leaving."
The remaining strength to open my eyes disappeared. I was sealed in darkness when Joseph's rough hands cupped the sides of my face. I wanted to push him away but could not move my arms. My body was succumbing to whatever tranquilizer they gave me last night.
"Maisie, you cannot tell him," Joseph said. "He would either kill me or think whatever you say is delusional nonsense. If you tell him, this will not end well for either of us."
I tried to speak, but it came out as a pathetic noise. Joseph forced me to lay on the bed. I tried to push him away as he readjusted the blankets over my body. Joseph sighed and a few minutes later the horrible smelling rag covered my face again.
My last thoughts before falling back into unconsciousness were of Jasper.
I groaned as I felt something running through my hair. Cold fingertips ran across my cheek, causing my eyes to flutter open. Miles was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was wearing his coat, and his dark hair was ruffled. The sun was setting, but the familiar smell of smoke did not cling to his clothes. What time was it? How long had I been asleep?
"Are you done crying?" he asked.
My hand trembled as I rubbed my eyes in a desperate attempt to wake up. Miles pulled the blankets higher so they covered my shoulders. He did not seem panicked or upset. Joseph must still be in this house with Jasper.
"I hate having to do this to you," Miles said. "Dad insisted we use the tranquilizer. You should have never been talking to him about Briar. You can never stop crying when you talk about her."
Joseph did this to me so that I could not tell Miles the truth. Would Joseph abandon this idea? Why would he want to take me away from my family? How could he think Miles was a monster? He was doing what he needed to in order to keep our family safe.
I reached toward Miles, wanting to grab his hand. When he saw my movement, he placed his hand over the blankets to stop me.
"You need to rest," he said. "You currently have no strength and I need you to be healthy."
"Jasper." My voice was low but raspy. "Where is he?"
"He is downstairs with Dad," he said.
"Stay with him."
I did not want to confess what Joseph had said. Would he forget this ridiculous idea? Miles would never let it happen. He would keep us all safe. I needed to remember he would always protect us.
"When I come back inside, I will bring some dinner," Miles said. "You have not had food all day."
He ran his fingers through my hair again. I fell back into unconsciousness when he pressed his lips against my forehead.

The Family Origin
HorrorOrigin story to the Family Comes First series by Mason Fitzgibbon. The Wilcox family's horrifying and twisted traditions all began in 1873. Joseph: After the death of their parents, Joseph's younger brother announces he is leaving the farm and movin...