Shattered Reflections

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Theleia awoke to the sound of her alarm blaring, its shrill tone pulling her from a peaceful dream filled with melodies and laughter. She stretched, sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting golden rays across her room. Today was a special day—a day she and Artemis had planned to spend together, celebrating their newfound understanding and connection.

After quickly getting ready, she grabbed her bag and headed out to her car, her heart fluttering with excitement. The drive to their favorite café was filled with thoughts of the future—the songs they would write, the moments they would share, and the love they would continue to nurture.

However, as she turned onto a busy street, the world around her seemed to blur. A moment of distraction, a fleeting glance at her phone to check a message from Artemis, and everything changed in an instant.

A blaring horn pierced the air, followed by the sickening crunch of metal. Theleia's heart raced as she tried to regain control of the car, but it was too late. The impact jolted her body, sending pain shooting through her as glass shattered and her world spun out of control.

The next thing she remembered was darkness enveloping her, the sound of sirens echoing in the distance. A haze of confusion wrapped around her mind. Theleia awoke to a sterile, white room that felt cold and unwelcoming. The sharp beeping of machines surrounded her, creating a symphony of anxiety that echoed through her mind. Blinking against the harsh light, she tried to move, but pain shot through her body like lightning, forcing her back against the stiff hospital bed.

Panic welled up inside her, and her heart raced as fragments of the accident flooded her memory. A fleeting moment of distraction, the screeching of tires, the horrifying crunch of metal. The thought that she had put herself and others in danger sent waves of guilt crashing over her.

Alone in the room, Theleia felt the weight of her isolation. The stillness pressed down on her, amplifying her fears. *What if I don't recover? What if I never play music again? What if I lose everything I love?*

The door creaked open, pulling her from the depths of her spiraling thoughts. Eros entered first, his expression a mix of relief and worry. He rushed to her side, his familiar presence offering a small measure of comfort.

"Theleia," he breathed, taking her hand gently. "Thank the stars you're awake. We were so worried."

"Dad... what happened?" she croaked, her throat dry and scratchy.

"You were in a car accident. You're in the hospital, but you're stable," he replied, his voice steady but his eyes betraying the fear he felt. "You had us scared, sweetheart."

Before she could respond, Asteria entered the room, her face pale and drawn. The moment she saw Theleia, tears welled in her eyes, and she rushed to her side, enveloping her in a gentle embrace.

"Oh, my beautiful girl," Asteria whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I was so afraid... I thought I might lose you."

Theleia closed her eyes, drawing strength from her mother's presence, yet the reality of her situation hung heavy in the air. "I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to see Artemis."

Eros exchanged a worried glance with Asteria, and Theleia's heart sank. "Is she okay? Did she—"

"She's fine, sweetheart. Just a little shaken up," Eros assured her, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead. "We've spoken to her. She's on her way."

Relief flooded through Theleia, but it was quickly eclipsed by the weight of her guilt. *What if my distraction had hurt her?* The thought gnawed at her insides.

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