Part 1

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Taylor Swift stood at the kitchen island, watching the early morning light filter through the windows. The soft hum of the coffee machine was the only sound in the house, a brief moment of stillness before the day exploded into its usual chaos. It wasn't the life she used to know—no screaming fans or long nights spent crafting lyrics that pulled on people's heartstrings. But she had traded that life for something quieter, more grounded. And for Taylor, it was perfect.

"Mom! Have you seen my cleats?" Justin's voice boomed from upstairs.

Taylor chuckled softly, turning the coffee machine off. Her fifteen-year-old son, a carbon copy of Travis, both in looks and personality, had a habit of misplacing things. Football was his entire world—just like it had been for his father. Between practices and games, there was hardly a moment where Justin wasn't in his gear, ready to charge the field.

"Check the laundry room!" she called back, knowing full well that's where they were.

As she moved through the kitchen, the sound of footsteps thundering down the stairs signaled that the calm was officially over. Maddison, or Maddie, as she preferred to be called, glided into the room, already dressed in her cheer uniform. At fifteen, she had the same quiet confidence Taylor remembered having at that age—though with Maddie, it often came with the frustration of having strict parents who weren't about to let her start dating, no matter how many boys came knocking at the door.

"Morning, Mom." Maddie grabbed an apple from the counter and gave her mother a knowing smile. "Let me guess, Dad's going to drag River to practice again?"

Taylor shook her head, laughing as she poured coffee into her favorite mug. "You know your brother loves it, Mads. It's all he talks about."

"Yeah, well, I think Dad just likes having someone to show off to the team," Maddie teased, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

River, their ten-year-old, was glued to Travis's side whenever possible. Whether it was tossing footballs around the backyard or tagging along to Kansas City Chiefs practices, River had inherited the Kelce football gene. Taylor wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not—watching one son throw himself into football was stressful enough, but now River was right behind Justin.

"You ready for tonight?" Maddie asked, leaning against the counter.

Taylor raised an eyebrow. "What's tonight?"

"The game, Mom! Homecoming? You're coming, right?"

"Of course we are," Taylor said, smiling. "Your dad wouldn't miss seeing you cheer. Or Justin play."

Maddie rolled her eyes but smiled. "Yeah, because he's only going to keep his eye on Justin the whole time."

At that moment, Ruby, their seven-year-old, bounced into the kitchen, her excitement palpable. Dressed in one of her many sparkly dresses, she was always eager to accompany Taylor to the studio or any event that popped up. Though Taylor had stepped away from music, leaving her old life of songwriting and touring behind, Ruby seemed determined to carry on that legacy. Her favorite pastime was sitting at the piano with Taylor, even though it had been years since her mom had performed for anyone other than family.

"Mommy, are we going to the studio today?" Ruby asked, her eyes wide with hope.

Taylor knelt down and kissed her daughter's forehead. "Not today, sweetheart. We have Justin and Maddie's big game to go to tonight, remember?"

Ruby's face lit up. "Oh! I'm going to wear my sparkly shoes! Will Daddy be there too?"

"Of course, sweetie. You know your dad wouldn't miss it," Taylor reassured her. Travis had become the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs a few years ago, and while it kept him busy, he always made time for family. Whether it was football games or cheerleading performances, he made sure to be there for every important moment.

As if on cue, Travis's booming voice echoed from the hallway. "Justin! River! Let's go, boys, or we're going to be late for practice!"

River rushed into the kitchen, his face lighting up at the sight of his mom. "Bye, Mom! I'm gonna learn a new play today!" he said excitedly before running out the door to join his dad.

Justin followed shortly behind, grinning at his mom before grabbing his forgotten cleats from the laundry room. "Thanks, Mom. See you at the game!"

With Travis and the boys out the door, the house felt momentarily quieter, even though Maddie and Ruby were still chattering away. Taylor sipped her coffee, taking in the scene of her daughters—Maddie, the confident, spirited cheerleader, and Ruby, the dreamer with stars in her eyes.

She smiled to herself. Life was different now—simpler, slower—but in the best way possible. Taylor had traded the chaos of fame for the beautiful, messy rhythm of family life. And she wouldn't change a thing.

"Alright, girls," she said, setting her mug down. "Let's get ready for a big night."

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