Part 2

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The Friday night air was crisp, carrying the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant hum of the school's marching band warming up in the background. Taylor could feel the excitement bubbling through the crowd as she sat in the bleachers, her arm around Ruby, who was bouncing on her seat in anticipation. The stadium lights illuminated the football field, casting a bright glow over everything. It felt familiar—the kind of energy that used to fuel her before a big performance—but now it was her family center stage, not her.

Travis stood on the sideline, his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets as he watched the boys warm up. Though he was coaching for the Kansas City Chiefs now, this was where his heart really was—watching his son, Justin, in his element, suited up in his football gear, ready to play under those bright lights. Next to Justin, River ran around tossing a football to a couple of younger kids, grinning from ear to ear. For River, this was pure joy—getting to be part of his big brother's world, even if he was only on the sidelines.

"You think Justin's nervous?" Ruby asked, her voice full of curiosity as she tugged on Taylor's sleeve.

Taylor smiled, pulling her daughter closer. "A little, maybe. But he's ready. He's been practicing all week."

Ruby beamed, her sparkly shoes swinging as her feet dangled from the bleacher. "I bet he scores a touchdown tonight!"

"I think you're right," Taylor agreed with a grin, glancing down at the field. She spotted Justin going through the final warmups, his helmet tucked under his arm, looking every bit like a miniature version of Travis. It still amazed her how much he'd grown into his own, carrying the same determination and passion for football that his dad had always had.

Maddie's cheer squad lined up on the sidelines, their matching uniforms shining under the lights. Maddie caught Taylor's eye and gave a quick, excited wave, her blonde ponytail swaying as she adjusted her bow. Taylor waved back, proud of her daughter's energy and confidence. Maddie might roll her eyes at her parents' rules about dating, but when she was on that field, cheering for her brother, you could see how much family meant to her.

As the game was about to start, Travis turned toward the stands, making eye contact with Taylor. He flashed her a grin, one that still made her heart skip after all these years. She gave him a thumbs up, silently telling him she was right where she belonged—supporting their kids, living a life she never would've dreamed of back when she was touring arenas and playing to thousands of people.

The referee's whistle pierced through the air, and the game began. Justin's team won the coin toss and opted to receive. Taylor leaned forward, her eyes glued to Justin as he jogged to his position as tight end. The crowd roared with excitement, and Ruby joined in, clapping her hands and cheering.

"Go, Justin!" Ruby yelled, her enthusiasm infectious.

The first few plays were all nerves, the boys testing the other team's defense. Taylor could see Justin getting into his groove, just like Travis always did during his games—calm, collected, focused. Then, on third down, Justin broke away, sprinting down the field, arms pumping, his eyes locked on the ball as it soared through the air.

Taylor held her breath as the ball flew toward him, time slowing down as it sailed into Justin's outstretched hands. He caught it perfectly, turning on his heel and powering through two defenders. The crowd erupted in cheers as he crossed into the end zone, spiking the ball with a grin so wide, it was impossible to miss from the stands.

Ruby jumped up, waving her arms wildly. "He did it! I knew he'd score a touchdown!"

Taylor cheered, clapping along with the rest of the crowd, pride swelling in her chest. She glanced at Travis, who was on his feet, hands in the air, shouting something to Justin that was drowned out by the noise. River, down on the sidelines, mimicked his dad, punching the air and shouting Justin's name.

As the game went on, it became clear that Justin was in his element. He made key blocks, caught another pass for a big gain, and even helped his team convert on a crucial fourth down. Every time he made a play, Taylor felt a surge of pride, remembering the little boy who used to practice with his dad in the backyard.

Maddie's cheer squad performed flawlessly during halftime, their routine sharp and synchronized, with Maddie leading the charge. She had her mother's sense of showmanship, commanding attention with every high kick and flip. Watching her daughter shine in her own way, Taylor couldn't help but smile. Maddie might not be on the football field, but she owned that sideline, her energy lifting the crowd.

By the fourth quarter, Justin's team was ahead, but the game was still close. Taylor could feel the tension mounting as the other team marched down the field, threatening to tie the game. But then, in a moment that felt scripted straight out of one of Travis's old highlight reels, Justin broke through the line, sacking the opposing quarterback, securing the win for his team.

The crowd roared, the stands shaking with excitement as the final whistle blew. Taylor stood, her heart pounding with pride. She caught Travis's eye again—this time, he gave her a nod, the one that said, That's our boy.

After the game, the field was a mix of players, parents, and excited fans. Travis was down on the field, hugging Justin and ruffling River's hair as he proudly listened to their post-game stories. Maddie joined them, still in her cheer uniform, grinning as she leaned against Justin, teasing him about how many times she'd had to cheer for him.

Taylor made her way down to the field with Ruby at her side, watching her family laughing and celebrating. She hadn't performed in years, but moments like these, seeing the people she loved most thriving in their own ways, felt like a different kind of victory.

"You played amazing, Justin," Taylor said as she hugged him, feeling the weight of his shoulder pads pressing into her. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mom," Justin said, his face flushed with excitement.

"And Maddie, you were incredible," Taylor added, turning to her daughter. "You've got moves out there."

Maddie smirked. "Of course I do. Someone had to show off."

They laughed, and Taylor felt the warmth of the moment settle in. Travis wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. "Not a bad Friday night, huh?" he asked, his voice full of pride.

Taylor smiled up at him. "Not bad at all."

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