Part 3

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The car ride home from the game was filled with laughter and chatter, Justin and Maddie still buzzing from their respective victories. Taylor and Travis exchanged knowing glances from the front seat, proud of their kids but also aware of the excitement that came with moments like these—moments that could lead to pushing boundaries.

"That was amazing, Justin!" Maddie gushed, leaning over the seat to playfully shove her brother's shoulder. "Everyone's talking about you. I think half the school is going to that party tonight to celebrate."

Justin shot Maddie a quick look, trying to gauge her interest. "Yeah, I heard that too. Think we could go?"

Before Maddie could even entertain the idea, Taylor cut in. "Absolutely not."

Justin rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat. "Come on, Mom. It's just a party. Everyone's going."

"Yeah," Maddie chimed in. "It's not a big deal."

Travis glanced at them in the rearview mirror, his expression firm. "You know our rule, guys. No parties like that. There's drinking, and things can get out of control fast."

Justin huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Not everyone's going to be drinking. And besides, we're not little kids anymore. We can handle ourselves."

Taylor turned in her seat to face them both. "It's not about whether you can handle it, Justin. It's about making the right choices. You two are role models—whether you like it or not. And as long as you live under our roof, our rules stand. No parties like that, especially ones where we know things will get out of hand."

Maddie sighed, slumping in her seat. She knew they didn't stand a chance against their parents when they got like this. It wasn't just about the rules—they genuinely cared about their safety. But still, she couldn't help feeling frustrated. Half the fun of being part of the cheer squad was the social life, and everyone was going to this party.

Justin, on the other hand, wasn't giving up so easily. "Fine," he muttered, though his mind was already working out a plan. He'd go to the party—rules or not.

Once they were home, everyone scattered to their respective rooms. Taylor and Travis lingered in the living room, talking quietly about the game and their plans for the weekend. Upstairs, Justin paced in his room, his thoughts bouncing between the thrill of the win and the itch to celebrate with his friends.

It wasn't long before his decision was made.

Around midnight, the house was quiet, the soft sounds of Taylor and Travis's favorite late-night show filtering from the master bedroom. Justin peeked out into the hallway and knocked on Maddie's door. She opened it almost instantly, already sensing what was coming.

"Come on," Justin whispered, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I'm going to the party."

Maddie's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? Dad and Mom will kill us if they find out."

"They're asleep. They won't find out," Justin said, his voice confident. "We'll be back before they even know we're gone."

Maddie hesitated, chewing on her bottom lip. She wanted to go, no doubt about it. All her friends had been texting her about the party, telling her it was the place to be tonight. But the voice of reason—her parents' voices—nagged in the back of her mind. This is a bad idea, she thought. Yet, the thrill of breaking the rules, of living a little on the edge, outweighed her caution.

"Okay, fine," she whispered back. "But we can't stay too long. If we're not back before Mom and Dad wake up, we're dead."

Justin grinned. "Deal."

The two of them moved quietly through the house, slipping out the back door and into the night. Justin had already arranged for a ride from one of his friends, and within minutes, they were speeding toward the party, hearts racing with excitement.

By the time they arrived, the party was in full swing. Music boomed from the house, and clusters of teens gathered on the lawn, laughing and talking. Red plastic cups were everywhere, and though Justin and Maddie tried to tell themselves they'd just hang out and avoid the drinking, it was clear from the second they walked in that this was no tame get-together.

Inside, the house was packed, bodies pressed together in the living room as kids danced and shouted over the music. Justin was greeted with a round of cheers as soon as he walked in, his teammates slapping him on the back and congratulating him on the big win. Maddie found her cheer squad near the kitchen, and before she knew it, someone handed her a cup, though she didn't drink from it right away.

"This is wild," Maddie said to one of her friends, glancing around the chaos.

"Yeah, I know! You've gotta loosen up a little," her friend laughed, nudging her with the cup.

Meanwhile, Justin had already gotten swept up into the party. He found himself in the middle of a crowd, surrounded by friends and the unmistakable scent of alcohol in the air. He told himself he wouldn't drink—that he was just here to hang out—but it didn't take long before someone shoved a cup into his hand, and he found himself taking a sip. Just one drink wouldn't hurt, right?

Back at home, Taylor and Travis were settled into bed, unaware of what their kids were up to. Taylor shifted, her instincts kicking in, but she brushed it off, telling herself that the twins were home and safe.

But that feeling, the one that had guided her through years of navigating the unpredictable life of fame, wouldn't quite go away.

Meanwhile, at the party, the night was just getting started for Justin and Maddie—and neither of them could shake the feeling that this decision might come back to haunt them.

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