The War of 2 Races and The Formation of 3 Regions

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In the ancient different world, the Gods as well as Demons have set back in their own different regions. The Daughter of the Supreme God of the Ultimate Group of Gods had an intention of exploring different worlds and hence started a journey and at the same time the Great Demon lord went missing. The two coincidences led to the war between the two races.

The war is on a level where the entire worlds are being destructed as the result. Suddenly the entire area of war was suddenly turned to be a mixture of all the emotions at the same time. The situation was very much like the prophecy of the Birth of "The True King". Except that none of them could listen the Roar of the Infant Exceptional Being.

After the incident the whole world had been destroyed with all the humans present were attracted either by good or evil. To increase and to show their Dominance both the races have started to live in the same world where the humans declared themselves as the descendants of gods and demons and started to live where few weak beings were left to be the normal humans, who were used to live like the slaves for both newly created races.

Thus, forming the present world which is divided into three parts where The Descendants of Gods and The Descendants of Demons had shared the powers of the All Five Elemental Powers along with exceptional skills.

Present, a poor couple that belonged to weak human race where the Man, Gonas along with his wife Maple were having a peaceful life, were talking about the ways they could get children because they could not have one. The wife Maple suddenly started sobbing after seeing the children of the neighbours playing all around. Gonas could not do anything started consoling her and they both decided to live in the Woods their Maple would not find any children so that they live their lives without being worried of having no children.

Soon they moved to the nearby woods and they made a house and started to live there by their own, where Gonas used to go to nearby villages and empires to sell the goods that are found in the Forest Woods for their living. Gonas despite belonging to the Weak Human Race he had strong muscles and was a pro in using all types of weapons as he was one of the great warriors in the human world before the war, and Maple was a beautiful Noble lady with super incredible crafting skills.

Upon living in the Forest Woods despite being the Weakest race they both always working on their skills made them improve much more of their skills. As the forest they were living acts as the common border for all the three sides of the divided Races. There by they became well known in all three regions for their well-renowned skills. Gonas usually earns by guiding Humans to travel in the Forest and protecting from the Demon Descendants and God Descendants. Also provides both the God and Demon Descendants that are present in human region. As for the Maple is also known in all the three regions for her beautiful crafts.

One Fine Morning, Gonas had left the house very much early in the Morning as to guide few humans to the North of the Forest where the place near to both the God and Demon Descendants and much far from the Human Region. Normally Gonas would return within 2 days even if the job was in entirely other region, surprisingly this time the work had taken more than 5 days to complete the task and reach home. When he reached home Maple was nowhere to be found. Gonas had gone mad and could not control his mixed Emotions of Anger and Sadness, he ran into the forest like a mad man who is possessed by a soul of wild beast, destroying all the place where he was searching for Maple. Finally, after the wild search for more than 5 hours, he found Maple's favourite charm which she always had with her, near a cave with the stains of blood near it.

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