Stuck in Time

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Raph: "Just great. The ol Turtle luck at it again."

Leo: "Don, how do we get out of here?"

Don: "There must be a way. Maybe Renet could help us?"

Mikey: "Yeah! Anyone got her on speed shell phone dial? In an alternate timeline? Where phone numbers may or may not exist?"

Raph: "What? Ya think Demon Shredder prevented the invention a phones now?"

Mikey: "Yeah! And then he prevented me from becoming the Turtle Titan! He got what we deserved I say!"

(Raph face palmed and groaned)

Leo: "I'll try Renet."

(Calls on his shell cell)

Leo: "Agh. No answer. Just static."

Don: "I can't believe this!"

Raph: "What? That we're on our 57th time travel adventure?"

Don: "No. That I can't think of a solution! I've thought of hundreds maybe thousands of them in the past!"

Mikey: "In which past? Our past or this future's past? Or is this the present?"

Raph: "I gotcha present right here!"

Mikey: "Aw thanks, bro! I didn't get you anything!"

Leo: "Guys! Stay focused. We're not putting it all on Don to figure out. Not this time!"

Don: "Thanks Leo. If only you'd said that about 8200 problems ago you'd have been a great help."

Raph: "Never seen Don so sarcastic. Kinda enjoying it actually."

Mikey: "I'm not! He was so pure! Poor Donnie! This is almost more worse than the time he turned into a horrifying monster!"

Don: "More worse? That's not grammatically correct at all."

Mikey: "Donnie's back! Yay!"

Leo: "We're just missing something. Something obvious."

Raph: "Obvious huh? Guess that leaves Mikey out."

Mikey: "Handsome huh? Guess that leaves Raphy out!"

Don: "I'm trying to think here!"

Mikey: "I'm trying not to!"

Raph: "Mike, ya never had to try."

Leo: "Look!"

(A portal opens up around them, sending them back to present day at Casey's farmhouse)

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